Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Letter from Deb: 11/22/2006, 5:00 PM E.S.T.
Hi Everyone,
I'm in shock at the level of support I've been getting from everyone as I go through this difficult time. I want everyone to think positive thoughts for me because even though I'm facing a fight against the worst kind of cancer, I know I'm going to beat this thing. The more positive everyone can be, the happier I will be. After I get through all of the treatments, I'm going to live a very long time and I want everyone to have this thought.

After facing this challenge, I have learned that life is too short to leave out the fun stuff. Going forward, I'm going to spend more time meeting new people, having fun, and, being a happier person. I expect to be able to say more witty things soon!

I want everyone to know that all of your concerns, thoughts, prayers, and support have meant more than you will ever know. Keep thinking of me and praying for me. I'll see you all soon.



Anonymous said...

It is sooo good to hear from you at last. You are going to get so many Thanksgiving prayers today that your ears will burn! Seriously, take some big breaths, get that lung "up" and get out of there.
Love and prayers,

Anonymous said...


So glad to hear from you. We will all definitely be sending you positive thoughts, you will beat this and you will live a long HAPPY life, if anyone on earth deserves that....YOU DO!!!!
I will be saying special prayers for you today. Hope someone smuggles you in a little something yummy today :) Keep walking around, building up that lung!!!
Love you lots,

Anonymous said...

It is great to hear your 'voice'! I couldn't think of a better Thanksgiving gift! I am still sending you all my love and positive energy to get you back to your old self, ASAP!

with love,


Anonymous said...

Hey Deb!
I'm soooo glad to hear from you. Just wanted to let you know that last night Allie said a little prayer for you, and God always listens to children, so I'm positive that you'll beat this. You have such strength and a great outlook on things. Keep that up! I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving (despite the hospital food).....I'll be giving thanks for all that you have accomplished during the past couple of weeks. I'm looking forward to hearing more good news soon.
Love, Donna

Anonymous said...


So great to see your message! I agree with Alicyn that it is the perfect holiday gift. If positive thoughts are therapeutic, then you are receiving very strong medicine from everyone. I talked to Margaret last night as she was driving home to see her family - it has been great to be able to talk with her and hear about her visits with you and yours.
I hope your day brings continuing improvement and that you find comfort and rest in the warm circle of your family and friends.


Anonymous said...

Miss Debbie,
So good to hear from you. The positive thoughts are with you every single day! You keep being the strong Debbie we all know and love and you will beat this cancer for sure. Hang in there and know that we are all praying for you and sending you positive enery. Happy Thanksgiving, Deb. We love you tons!
The Melvins -
Dave, Carrie, Jack, Haley, Rallye and Enzo

Anonymous said...

I'm very happy to hear your up beat attitude and want you to know that you'll be in my prayers every day. I know I'm very far away, but if there's anything I can do to help out please let me know. I'll leave my new phone number 781-878-3445 and when you feel like talking I would love to hear from you.

Your Cousin Tim

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,
Was so glad to read your message to everyone. We can learn a lot from you and your fantastic attitude.
You have been in my thoughts and prayers since I left. Everyone is asking about you, and you're getting prayers and support from a lot of people. Glad to hear you had the Whole Foods turkey dinner.
Keep up the positive attitude, if anyone can beat this thing, it's you. Love from all of us, Betty

Anonymous said...

Hey! Girlfriend;
You are and have been one of the most impressive people I have ever met. You will beat this thing.

Anonymous said...

Deb glad to hear your up and reading your BLOG, I know your getting every love is with you and nothign but positive vibes going yoru way !!

Love ya,
Laura Alvarado

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