Thursday, November 30, 2006

Weekend Release Delayed: 11/30/2006, 7:00 PM E.S.T.
We just spoke to Deb's mom Dianne. Deb had a very uncomfortable night, (last night, Wednesday). After several tests Deb was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism (clot on her lung) and was moved back to the Neurology floor so that a "filter" could be placed in a vein close to her heart to prevent a recurrence. They think the rash (caused by an allergy to Dilantin) is subsiding but that the clot could be related to an additional allergy to heparin. The implantation of the filter is not a major procedure and shouldn't produce any further complications.

The family would like to thank everyone for their very kind donations and ask you to continue to keep Deb in your thoughts and prayers. We'll provide further updates over the course of the weekend.


Anonymous said...

Tonight, my family and I spent the evening with Debbie. She looks great other than the itchy red rash. She got her staples removed today and the scar looks great!!! She looks forward to washing her hair tomorrow-then again do you blame her? She was in good spirits, cheery, witty, and fun. So she said she might be going home on Sunday. I plan to stay the weekend with her.

She is very comfortable after the doctors placed the filter to catch any possible emboli.

So I thought I would pass on a tid-bit about my visit for all of those who wonder how she is since the last post.

Her room is full of pictures of friends, pets and family. Just like her home.

Cheers Deb! Keep up the good recovery work! See you tomorrow night!! I am so thankful you are doing so well!

Anonymous said...


so uplifiting to read your positive comments after reviewing the posting. It is a releif to hear that Deb is a bit more comfortable - now the rash needs to subside.

Hey Deb,

way too much drama huh? Just keep kicking butt, ok? We are all keeping your foremost in our thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...


Talked to your dad yesterday, I think he remembered who I was :), you had just been given some meds, so you were a little out of it he said. Thinking of you always, and sending you great big wishes for a speedy recovery from your new "issue." Love you lots!!!

Anonymous said...

Damn Deb, you can't seem to catch a break. I was concerned when I saw this latest update. I am so glad they were able to deal with it so quickly and to hear that there is a possibility you may be going home this weekend. Nala and Joey are going to be ecstatic. Nothing beats cuddling up with your furry friends. Loved the Thanksgiving picture, you are looking great.

Jamie and Liv

Anonymous said...

Look, Debbie, can't you do ANYTHING the easy way? C'mon. I mean, a rash is one thing, but a pulmonary embolism??? Knock it off. What, is there some really hot guy on the neuro floor that you just can't live without? Then go VISIT him - and stop this other stuff. There's no need to keep pulling these other stunts to make trips back there.....
Love ya man!

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,
Sorry to hear your release is delayed. That's okay, you keep up the hard work, and get rid of that nasty rash girl! Here's a joke to make you smile: Male and female reindeer shed their antlers, male in the early fall and female after they've given birth in early spring. So all of santa's reindeer are girls, and we should have known that only girls can pull a fat guy in a red suit on a sleigh in the middle of the nite and not get lost! Love you and talk to you soon!!!

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