Debbie's day out; 11/27/2006, 6:00pm EST
Deb is officially on the rehabilitation floor of Cedars, and today went for a visit to her treatment center in Thousand Oaks. For the first time in a few weeks she's out of the hospital and should even have time to swing by the house and see Nala (dog) and Joey (cat). She'll be headed back to Cedars tonight and should be there for a few more days - then home to her house in Thousand Oaks. As we told you yesterday Deb had a nice thanksgiving dinner with her family and friend Jodie. I've got a picture of them courtesy of Jim; Deb's looking gorgeous! From the left-hand side, Bob Reardon (Dad), Amy Reardon-Doherty (sister), Deb, Jody Pysher (friend from DE), Jim Reardon (brother) and Dianne Reardon (Mom).
Hey Deb,
I suspect that this is a photo that you and your family cherish very much. I do believe that this is one of the best pictures of you ever! I commend your choice of shoes (NOT) and only hope that you have a bag to match. You look terrific, Deb - what a beautiful family.
It's about time, I've been very anxious to actually SEE you. I think you look fabulous, really. It's so funny to see your family after so long, everyone still looks pretty much the same...except your dad doesn't have on his glasses :) Are you tooling around the hospital in Crocs? You're too funny. Keep up all the great progress, you truly amaze us all!! Love you lots.
Hey Deb! You look wonderful! I was so happy to see the picture! It's great to see you up enjoying time with your family. (You know, I don't think I've ever met your mom. Isn't that weird??) I'm sure you were thrilled to be able to leave the hospital for a little while yesterday. You really are amazing a whole lot of people as you make your way through all of this. I can't wait to read about you being discharged from the hospital and going home. Continuously sending you lots of love and prayers....Donna
I don't care what Barbara Baris says about your footwear. You keep rockin' the Crocs, babe. Looking fabulous as usual - surrounded by your adoring public (and food, how typical). Now, about that gown...it was good to see the yellow pants covering up the bum, but this is definitely not a fashion statement ESPECIALLY not if your toenails are still painted pink. Even I know that, and we both know the color wheel isn't my forte. Please tell me you get to coordinate the coiffe for rehab with a little flair of your own?
Keep kicking butt - love ya!
Hi Debbie,
Wow.... what a very nice picture .... sorounded by family and friend and all smiles. This is wonderful to see and we thank God for your progress. With so much love and care, you will be back to your usual self very soon.
We have you in our prayers.
Patrick, Scholastica and the Triplets (Sarah Ogechi, David Ikenna and Patrick Ifeanyi Jr).CT
Hi Deb,
It was so nice to finally get to see your picture. You look fabulous. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers and I am glad that you got to get out of the hospital for a little while. Hang in there Deb remember that you have so many people cheering you on.
Spoke with Debbie last night,she is scheduled to go home Dec 2 provided everything stays the same.She currently is having a major reaction to her medications,rash from head to toe with edema and temp.Doing well with rehab and looking forward to starting treatments as soon as possible so she can get a kick start to beat this disease.SHE CAN BEAT IT AND WILL BEAT IT with all our prayers and Gods guiding hand.Thank you all for your continued support...
She's absolutely going to beat this - no questions. Guess I shouldn't have goofed on the gown. Deb, there's no reason to get a rash just to spice it up. I know blue polka dots are really stylish...somewhere...but enough is enough. Get over your reaction to the meds and go home, for goodness sake.
Debbie this picture with you and your family is wonderful all ther love will make you feel better everyday. Glad your out and free for a bit and you get to see your babys at home!
Laura A.
It's good to see your smiling face. Glad to know your KICIN this!
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