As many of you know the loves of Deb's life in addition to her family and friends are her dogs Radar and Nala. We received this great photo from Deb's former Pfizer manager Barbara Baris who wants to share the story on how she found her special friend, Barney.
I found Barney thru the Pfizer classified ads – there was no picture, but he was described as a lab mix – clearly from the photo he is everything but lab. A whole crew of us left work early to go and see him (what a good manager I am huh?) – me, Deb, and our friends/colleagues Jennifer, Anita and Joyce. I took him home with me that day and Deb would have taken him if I had not – this she told me later. Bottom line, we were not leaving there without him. I thought she might like to see him and how he has matured from the young dog we saw that day. - Barbara.
So I keep reading and re-reading. Deb, you're the only person I know who could have a small chunk of grey matter removed along with other various pieces and parts, and still remain awake, coherent, feisty and funny - AND reunite friends, re-join hearts, and remind us all about what really matters. Live, Love, Laugh - just be sure it's that same explosive, boisterous, from-the-toes- laugh. That laugh is contagious, and that laugh has gotten me and Jess out of many tight spots, giving us a chance to make a break for it before Barbara got down the hall to see who pulled the prank. I love you, man. Keep blowing me away with your strength.
Hi Everyone,
I visited with Deb and her mom briefly last night. Of course she was pretty tired but she made some funny comments and overall she was doing great. Since she was on pain meds I won't repeat anything she said on this blog.
For people who visit Cedars-Sinai this weekend, you can park at the Beverly Center (a giant sized Macy's is across the street) It's much cheaper (eg, $1 vs. $10 for 2hours) and easier to remember which garage you parked in.
Deb appreciates everyone's support. She's expecting a lot of visitors this weekend and appreciates everyone's efforts for coming to visit. If she is still in the ICU when you arrive, inform the nurse on the intercom how many are in your group.
Keep posting messages! If Brian Manning is reading this can you please send me an email at Thank you for maintaining this website!
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