Saturday, November 18, 2006

Saturday Update: 11/18/2006, 3:00 PM E.S.T.
Deb was delighted to welcome visitors from her former home in Connecticut over the past few days including Al (dog photographer to the stars!) and her former work colleagues from Pfizer along with Amy (the blog maven herself.) Despite the affects of the pain medication Deb was conscious if tired this morning and was feeling hungry; always a good sign although she complains about the hospital food. She's lost about 50% of her curly locks and her vision is blurred due to some post-operative cranial swelling, but is in good spirits and looking forward to possibly getting onto the general wards and out of ICU today or tomorrow, depending on the availability of a room that fulfills her needs.

Her family want to thank everyone again for the kind wishes and messages of encouragement that have poured in from all across the USA and as far away as Ireland and Italy. Leaving a message is simplicity itself. Just click on the "comments" link below any post and a pop-up window will allow you to compose your message to Deb. You can sign as "anonymous" if you don't have a blogger ID (you don't need one but it's free if you sign up), and you can also click the "other" button to leave your name, but please sign your post in the text box so that Deb and the family know that it's you. If you have any problems using the posting comments box, you can always email Brian and we'll get it posted for you. By the way all posts (even if written by family members) will by default say "posted by Brian & Amy Manning" but the family indeed can post their own updates, so do look out for them.


Anonymous said...

The news gets better each day! I am so glad that Deb is enjoying her visitors and looking forward to getting out of ICU - let's hope that the med/surg beds are longer than those in ICU, right Deb? Short beds and crappy food, what's a girl to do? Get you butt out of there, that's what, so you can sleep in your own bed and eat something that has actual flavor. Hospital cuisine is one of the more compelling oxymorons. Continue your terrific progress Deb - everyone is behind and beside you for the next part of your journey. You are in my thoughts each day.


Anonymous said...

Hi to everyone,
This is Antonietta, I had a thought this morning. Should we start up a nonprofit organization for Deb, to help with 1. medical cost not covered by insurance, 2. to help with transportation needs if she is unable to drive in the next few months 3. Get a housekeeper to help her with house hold chores.. I would love everyones input and possibly help to get this together legallyand make it a tax write off for everyone who donates. Great donations help with those end of the year taxes!!

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering why a hospital in Beverly Hills can't have longer beds and better food - I'm choosing to blame it on the nurses. (darned nurses) I agree with BABS - get out of there and go home to real food and your own bed. I also agree with Antnoietta about supporting however we can. There's enough of us, apparently to raise a village.

Anonymous said...

Hello everybody,
I have a new thought for the Amagen people or someone that is a lawyer in california. We are going to need help setting up the nonprofit organization, charitable donation for Deb. So I was wondering if we could get the company lawyer at Amagen or any other lawyer with a california liscene to donate time and set it up for us.
I vote that in keeping with the web site name; we name the nonprofit "We Love Deb" nonprofit organization.
I would love any kind of feedback, or new thoughts to help Deb and her family out.

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb (Hoover) We wish you a very speedy recovery.We heard you are doing well since the surgery.YOU GO GIRL!! We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Mark & Jo-Anna Abdelnour P.S. Remember the ride to Fitchburg in the back of the U-Haul? XXOO

Anonymous said...

Hey Deb,

That's funny, the previous post is from my parents!! Good for them figuring out the whole blogging thing...boy, you must be SPECIAL!!!! Glad to hear you're doing so well....hey, I hear you have the same hairdo that I had in you remember what I did to my hair?? The whole half shaved head thing, and I did it on PURPOSE...LOL!!!Anyway, I can't wait for the post of when they tell us that you've been moved to a regualr room! soon I hope. Keep up the great work....keep the doctors on their toes!! Love ya lots!

Anonymous said...

Hey Deb,
I just got off the plane & am back home in CT. I'm so happy I got to stay with you over the last couple days & that your 2nd surgery went well. I'm also really, really happy the doc said your last nights mri results came back clear. No more surgery, yey!! If you didn't get moved into a regular room today hopefully tomorrow you will. Maybe you will be able to get some better rest without all the noise, beeping, & nurse/ doc visits every 1/2 hour. It was also nice to see your mom again & meet your friend Antonietta, & your family. You've been thru so much in such a short time & are doing so awesome. Keep it up! I think you are one of the strongest most determined women I have ever met! I've been reading thru the blog & all the great posts from your family/ friends who all care about you so, so much. Stay strong, eat as much as you can to build up some strength (hopefully this weekends solid food is a bit tastier than the chicken broth, jello mixture of the other day). You are constantly in my thoughts & prayers.
Love, Al

Anonymous said...

HI Deb,
This is Marsha Tennis from Mass General hospital. Dr. Growdon and I send our best wishes to you from all at neurology at MGH. FYI- my husband, Michael, is 19 months post surgery for a glioblastoma (left temporal lobe) and doing really well. There are miracles out there. He has had a surgery like yours, radiation, chemo at the Brain Tumor Center at Mass General Hospital.

We send you our best wishes and know that you'll do well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Auntie Debbie. This is Logan. I hope you feel better soon. I'm on the basketball travel team and my regular basketball team is called the Bulls. Love, Logan.

Jimmy said...

Hello All,
Spoke with Jimmy last night (Debbie's brother) and she has been moved to a regular room. She was very tired, and trying to get some rest from all that she has been through. Keep your good wishes coming it means so much to Debbie and the entire Reardon Family.
Marianne (Debbie's Sister in Law)

Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,

I am so glad to hear about your progress. It sounds like you will be "skidding" right on out of there before you know it. I might have to pull a "DG", Incredible Hulk style!! You have always been strong and you are continuing to amaze us all with your strength every day. God Bless you.


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good fight, Deb! From all that I'm hearing, you've done a fantastic job so far. I wish I could visit as so many of your friends have been able to do and support you in person. Although the girls keep me busy, I think of you all the time and keep you in my prayers daily. If there's anything I can do for you from afar, please don't hesitate to ask. Miss you lots!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Deb. You made it out of ICU. You must feel great. I am so glad to hear you are moving up. All those prayers from family and friends are working. Keep the momentum going.

Lots of love,
Jamie and Livia

Anonymous said...

my thoughts and prayers are with Deb and her family. I was Deb's workout partner at Powerhouse gym in Ct and we formed such a great friendship in those years we worked out together. If anyone can beat this it's Debbie. I feel like I know so many of her friends because Debbie talked about all of you so much and if there's ever a time when she needs us it's now. Thanks Amy and Brian for setting this up. May God bless Debbie and keep her in his loving care. Deb I expect to visit soon so I can beat you at doing men pushups! Mary X

Anonymous said...

Hey Deb! Fantastic to hear you are out of ICU :-) Lets hope the food and beds are better now! The CT girls have kept me posted all weekend and sounds like you are making great progress.
Lots of love and prayers
Linda, Stuart and Benjamin xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie!

I'm thinking about you enduring hospital food! What's your wish list? Twizzlers? Tuna? Please let me know!

Sending you every get well and feel well fast wish,

Pam Appel

Anonymous said...

I was so glad to hear that the 2nd surgery was a success and that you are out of the ICU. Praise God!!! Keep up the fight Deb. We are all with you every step of the way and you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers... Speaking of food, you better get the hell out of there before Thanksgiving.... :) Sending you great big hugs.


Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,

I'm so glad that your surgeries have gone well and that you might be able to spend Thanksgiving someplace other than the ICU in the hospital. While I'm sure this isn't the Thanksgiving that you had planned, I know that you're family and friends are very grateful just to be able to share it with you. You're in our thoughts and prayers every day - hoping for your speedy recovery.

I'm still trying to figure out how to FedEx the secret cure for everything - Mem's chicken soup! (maybe a little steamed chocolate pudding for dessert?!?).

Love you

Christy and family

Anonymous said...

I am one of Deb's work colleagues and want to send along my prayers and well wishes to Deb and company. Deb is constantly in my mind and we speak of her often at work. Looking forward to seeing how we can help in any way. Since I also came from Pfizer and CT many years ago, I can attest to how wonderful the folks are there and am happy to see they have come out to support Deb. Glad to hear Deb is recovering well from her surgeries and please pass on my well wishes to her. Thanks, Betty

Anonymous said...

Our Debbie - it was so wonderful to see you this weekend; by Sunday it was amazing how much better you were doing. Amy D. thought it would be a good idea to paint your toes so we stopped on the way to see you Sunday afternoon and bought some OPI (is there any other kind of nail polish?) - Strawberry Margarita is the color we chose (you told us you wanted pink so we found pink). Jana and I did the painting. When Jana first started you looked right at me and said "you know you have to put two coats!" - so Debbie; of course you need two coats! We laughed a lot on that one. I painted the second coat (my coat was much better he, he). NOw you can flash those beautiful pink toes at all the single docs.
Keep up the great work Debbie. Stay focused and positive; we are here for you every step of the way!
All our love,
Carrie (with Jana, Lisa Dogolo and Amy D) and the Melvins.

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