Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Deb is out of surgery: Tuesday, 11/14/06 10:58 EST

I've just got the update from Jim, Deb's Brother. Deb did fine through the surgery and is in recovery. Unfortuantely the tumor was not encapsulated and at first look it apears to be a Glioblastoma. Now all of you with medical or oncology study background know how hard it is to write that. A Glioblastoma is the most agressive type of brain tumor. We'll have to wait for the pathology to come back to make it offical but we need to prepare oursleves and be strong for Deb and her family. The good news, if there could be any, is that Dr. Yu has a cutting edge trial going on with bone marrow-derived neural stem cells to treat these types of tumors and Deb has been accepted into that study. She will be getting the best treatment there is and we are going to fight this for as long as we need to. She's going to need our help so stay tuned for what you can do.


Anonymous said...

Brian and Amy,

I think many of us, particularly those on the east coast and so very far away, are wondering what we can do to help Deb and her family. Please let us all know what we might be able do/contribute to support them. And thank you so very much for creating this blog - it is a Godsend for all of us,

Anonymous said...

I thought I would give an update and some corrections that were previously posted.

I am the CA Kim and have talked with so many of you already. Thank you for all of your help.

There is NO definate pathology to report until sometime after 10 am pacific time today. Because of the time of the surgery they were unable to have a pathologist in the surgery suite to do the frozen section to decide if it was GBM or not. We (Deb, her mom, my parents and myself) spoke with the doctor last night and he hopes he got all of the tumor out. He repeated the MRI late last night and the results are unknown at this time. By the time we left, about 6 pm, Debbie was starting to get some of her witty self back which is a great sign!

Also, she is in the ICU so flowers are not allowed. The flowers all of you wonderful friends sent were so beautiful and were farmed out to friends, families and to the nursing station.

This weekend is the first time a majority of her family will be able to spend with her since her dx and surgery or see her for that matter. Her sister and father arrived last night. Her other brother will be arriving this weekend. Please check with her family (mom)and the availability of visiting before flying out. I would hate for you to come all of the way out from the eastcoast to find you can't see her.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support. Deb has so many wonderful people in her life!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the details. Having information helps. We are trying to share information rather than call individually, but I found a toll-free number for the Cedars hospital Main Desk, and thought I'd put it here anyway. 800-233-2771.

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