Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Deb’s Update: January 31, 2007 12:30 PM PST

Hi all,

I wanted to give you an update since today is a great day! Yesterday was my last chemo/radiation so chapter one is over... It feels really good to know that I am done with that combination therapy! I didn't guess that it would have made me so happy, but it obviously has!!! I guess I don't need to keep saying I'm happy to be done all that :-)

My blood counts are low still on WBC and RBC but not so bad that they need to treat it... but hopefully the 4 to 5 weeks off of Temodar should help those blood cells "grow up" :-)

I went to a neurologist today just to make sure that I am neurologically "normal"... What do you guys think? Dr. Murthy labeled me as 'normal' so that's a good thing! I will be having a baseline EEG next week and will visit him every 3 months. He will be the one that will keep me on the right amount of Keppra which is the anti-seizure medication that I'm taking so that's a good thing... he's wonderful and doesn't need to see me for 3 months... Of course if I start to have my sensory partial seizures again, I will go back and be evaluated. My fingers are crossed on that one... I obviously don't want to smell pine trees anymore while I'm out here in CA!

Today I was lucky enough to drive my Honda Element (obviously local)!!! Of course I didn't wear the Crocs (although I could have since it's been raining/cloudy for 4 days now!) but I wore my Dansko Clogs so I guess that's close enough. It felt great to drive and my sister and Meredith weren't even nervous .... at least they didn't say they were! I made them go to Denny's for breakfast this morning since I was driving, so I guess the last visitors are happy that they were the drivers when they were here!

Amy D's visit was great... it flew by but she sure did do a lot.... Painting a few small things, putting up a new mailbox and putting up a few mirrors... of course she brought me on a few errands and carried the heavy stuff for me :-) I sure can't wait to lift up heavy stuff... last Saturday Amy D left and my sister Amy and Meredith arrived.

My sister has done a lot lately. She is a major cleaning person so she has done lots and lots of that stuff! I never figured out that I cleaned deep and well either until I saw what she did and how long it takes... no wonder it takes an entire day to clean a whole house. So, she is doing it piece by piece..... it's looking awesome. Of course she likes to cook as well, so I can still keep Joann's meals in the freezer for when I'm here alone and can't cook.

Nala is helping take care of Meredith. If my sister and I are busy together, Nala and Meredith play! Of course both Nala and Joey are getting lots of treats from Meredith so they both love her! Meredith is also having a good time feeding a snack to my neighbor's horse ... she even got to ride on Slim (the horse's name) one day with my neighbor... of course the driveway was enough for her, but she was excited! Tomorrow we hope to head to Disney just for the easy rides/kids rides... obviously it's okay for me to ride the kids rides or the easy adult ones.

I am still hoping to do that vaccine study with the dendritic cells but haven't been screened yet. I was hoping to screen this Friday but I have not been called by Anne and Dr. Yu... maybe it's an IRB thing and the consent form hasn't been approved yet. Hopefully that'll be soon. Stay tuned on that one. My friend Antonietta, her brother and her dog/puppy are coming on Friday and will stay here through Monday.

I am also still trying to figure out when I can go back to work... I have to make sure that I have the energy to work plus take care of myself, my house, my pets, etc... I should hopefully know after the first two major cycles of Temodar how I will feel on that dose... it's dosing for 5 days and then there are a few weeks off so I just have to see how I feel and how my blood cell counts are. I will know more details on that whole thing as it starts to happen!

That's it for now...
-"Dahling" Debbie ( I couldn't resist... I still would like to know who said that...)


Anonymous said...

Hey Deb, it's great news all around! You should treat yourself to something special for getting through your radiation/chemo treatments in such a wonderful way. Apparently, I won't be coming to CA as the business trip that Peter mentioned was better defined as going there in cycles of 2 weeks there, one week here for approximately 6 months. I just can't do that with the girls. It's too much uncertainty for them. They need more structure and they need their dad here more often than that. Have fun with Ant and her brother. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Lots of material in this one. I love the cycle thing. So you're out of the Heavy Wash cycle and on to the first rinse, but not quite to the spin cycle. Excellent! You have immature blood cells (meaning they have acne and miss curfew?)
Your Doctor labeled you as "normal" probably just to get you out of his office. We've all seen Seinfeld. We know they write in pencil...
What's wrong with smelling pine trees in CA? After what I hear about smog and pollution out there, it could be worse. I used to smell oranges with my olfactory hallucinations. I'd prefer pine.
Is there any dirt left in your house? A little bit is probably healthy...all this deep cleaning, scrubbing, heavy lifting, and Fung Shui...scary, dude. Like the Charlie Brown episode when they gave Pigpen a bath...
Anyhoo. If there are any other adults named Amy who need to bring a kid out for Nala to take care of, I'll volunteer to ride the horse, go to Disney and play with Nala and Joey. (as long as we rent a car, or something)
Glad you are well.
Love ya man!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you took a celebratory drive and yes, I guess the clogs are an acceptable substitute for the Crocs.

Congrats on this major milestone - I am so happy for you!

Damn - with all this cleaning going on you might smell all manner of things - I hope that folks are not using any Pine-sol!!

This lady of leisure stuff sounds great - you should confine all heavy lifting to the phone to secure contract resources for when you have exhausted your supply of Amys - get Merry Maids in to replace the Army of Amys.

I wonder if the zoning authorities are going to cite you for operating a hotel in your house? With the steady stream of overnight guests people must think that you are either incredibly popular or engaged in some illicit activities - or perhaps that you ARE incredibly popular because of being egaged in illicit activities - hmmmm - keep 'em guessing I say.

The horse in the driveway tops the Element every time, right? Nice neigh-bors (pun firmly intended).




Anonymous said...

Immature bllod cells that have acne and miss curfew? Army of Amy's? (Ok, Army of Amy's is TOO funny!) If my name wasn't Jeanne I'd be there with all my illustrious input on where to go out to eat next! And cleaning is not my thing either so, guess you couldn't use me quite yet!..........LOL

You sound very upbeat Deb. Keep attacking this thing! F.S., friends, prayers, and a great positive attitude----whatever it takes, girl!
Love you lots, 'cousin Jeanne'

Anonymous said...

I was guessing that a Bostonian would say Dahling... but I guess it's a RI thing too :-)

Anonymous said...


What an upbeat post! It's good to hear all of this fabulous progress. Neurologically normal???? I think we could tell from all of this detail you have been sharing with impeccable (sp?) accuracy. That's the clinical trial person in you coming through......attention to details!!!

I'm really glad you have reached this important first milestone with such a positive attitude. You are truly amazing.

Sending Boston Beacons,
Bea (aka Karin)

Anonymous said...


Gald to hear all is going well! Horray for the Element....NOT, you need a mercedes or somethin...maybe a volvo...they are the safest cars out there! I actually saw an element this morning, and of course, thought of you!!
I gotta say, Mollie really cracks me up...I say she should start a stand up tour!!
Do you think when I get my tummy tuck I could come and stay with you? I could get the LA post plastic surgery treatment? I can possibly bring another Amy into the mix????Anyway, I'm so happy to hear how everything is going well and how strong you amaze me everyday!!! Love and miss you lots.

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,
It is great to see your gorgeous smiling face! I was watching "Friends with Money" on DVD the other night and one of the characters who is an affluent southern california fashion designer was also driving a honda element!! Maybe you're ahead of the trend!

Lots of love,


Anonymous said...

oh God, Alicyn - please do not encourage her :)!!

Anonymous said...

oh God, Alicyn - please do not encourage her :)!!

Anonymous said...

oops, hit the key twice - sorry for the double post

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,

I check your site every day and I must say the you are completely amazing. You look terrific and your positive attitude is truly inspiring. I'm glad to hear that your round of chemo/radiation is done - now let's see some recovery for your blood cells!
It's great that you can do some local driving - although what's with the Honda Element?!? I must admit that I was picturing you in something more like a Honda S2000 convertible cruising down the coast with Nala and Radar along for the ride!
Have fun at Disney and your road trip to Arizona with your Mom (Thelma and Louise - don't forget the sunglasses!)
I hope you hear about your clinical trial soon - you know the drill - IRB approval - informed consent forms.... somehow it should be easier than that!
I'm still trying to schedule a visit out to what I hope to be "sunny CA" but my work schedule just doesn't seem to be cooperating! I'll keep trying though.
Take good care - much love and many prayers,


Anonymous said...

I can't help but love the Honda Element... you're right Alicyn, maybe I'm ahead of the trend! Of course I would love to drive a convertible because if everyone actually sees Radar plus Nala in the car, I may really become popular!!!

Hey Nikki, whatever it takes to get you out here: your Amy, your tummy tuck, whatever... I'd love to see you! Bummer that Donna can't come.

Of course I can't wait to see you Christy... I have never forgotten that the day I came home (to CT) after my Amgen interviews I saw both you and Karin on the plane! Not sure why we were all on the same flight back to PVD airport late at night but hey, I guess it made me think about you both again (obviously I hadn't seen either of you for years and years!)

Hey Thel-MA, don't forget to bring your sunglasses out here next week!

Jeanne, of course I'm still attacking this thing... you've known me since I was born, it's totally not my personality to quit!

Larry I'm teaching my sister how to do the Log Cabin quilt that I showed you... we have definitely ripped those strips so she's ready to start... I'll call you and Priscilla soon.


Unknown said...


I'm so glad to hear that you are done with Chemo/radiation and you are back driving again. Great news! I hope you had a wonderful visit with your sister and Meredith (what a little doll she is) You look great! (as always)

Take Care!

Anonymous said...

[Tune of Beverly Hillbillies.]

Well, lemme tell you a story
'bout a girl named Deb
Our good friend from Boston
'had an achin in her head
Then one day she lost her interest in her food
Sleepin' all the time
And in a bitchy mood.

Feeling mighty low...had a tumor...
Knot in the noggin...bad juju...

So next thing ya know
They're shavin off her hair
Cancer in your brain?
Lord! Cut it out-o-there!
Right here in California is the perfect place to be
Got a fancy cancer center
In the Heart of Beverly

Hills that is...Radiation treatments...
Chemo too...No Honda Elements allowed...

Recovered from round one
Now she's ready for course two
Maybe get a nose job
And one boob job (perhaps two)
She's doing Funky shui without wearin' tacky shoes
Got Amy's from the East Coast
Standing in the queue

Not just Amys...All of CT...
Darn those Yanks...Gold in them hills...

Now her entire house is clean
Everything is rearranged
The noggin doctor says
"heck no, she ain't one single bit deranged"
Except none of us believe him cuz
Some things never change.

Luv ya Deb.

Anonymous said...

That was FANTASTIC "anonymous"!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ya'll come back now, ya heah!
And thank ya for them kind words.

Anonymous said...

Good golly, Miss Molly!

Anonymous said...

We can all definitely figure out what Mollie writes! I love the song Mollie... it's always good to make me laugh because you know I love that!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm mopping up my laughter tears now.....literally. Mol's tune is a riot. I write poetry too, but I don't think I could come up with one as good as this!

Warm beacons,
Bea (aka Karin)

Anonymous said...

Names have been changed to protect the innocent. It was all Baris' idea, I swear.

Anonymous said...

not only is she a bad lyricist, but a liar to boot!

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb, FYI, Mercury, will be retrograde from February 13 to March 7. Mark your calendar!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OK, you anonymous Astrologer... For those of us who are clueless, please extend a helping hand. If Mercury will be retrograde from 13FEB to 07MAR, will Baris remain craniorectally inverted? Inquiring minds want to know. (she deserved that for slamming my talents as a budding lyricist) Seriously - what does the astrological hoo-ha mean? Try to take me seriously.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys... stay tuned because yesterday morning I wrote an update and sent it to my Manning friends since they post it for me... They're in Ireland so I'm not sure how often they check email.

Mollie, basically just go to and check to see if it's a major retrograde for your sign! I know my anonymous buddy is also a Gemini so it was nice to see what she said!


Anonymous said...

Oddly enough I'm a Cancer.

(There HAS to be a punchline in THAT somewhere... go ahead Barbara) I'll check and see if I'm retrograde. I'm already retro fashion.

Anonymous said...

Oddly?? I believe it is time for an ex-o-cism.