Deb’s Update: January 25, 2006 12:30 PM PST
Hi all,
Just a quick update.... I know I always say that but I just wanted to make myself do just a quick update this time.
I have 4 days left of Chemo/Radiation... YIPPEE! The doctor still thinks I'm doing amazingly well which is a positive thing. I am getting more tired but hey, you all know that I love to sleep don't you? So, I just head to bed a few hours earlier than I used to and don't nap. It seems to be working well.
I met my medical oncologist yesterday and guess what? She used to work at City of Hope which is where I used to work... interesting, huh? She was kind of busy so I'm not sure that I learned as much as I wanted to learn that day... I will be seeing her again before Cycle 1 which is a much bigger dose of the Temodar. I am also hoping that she will discuss how I will be followed beyond the once per month that she stated.... how often do I need an MRI of my brain, how often do I need labs drawn, how often do I need to rest and be in bed post the larger dose of chemo, how much time would I need to recover from that large dose? As you can see, I didn't get all of the answers.... stay tuned.
I am learning more information in regards to the out of work disability (long term, short term, state, etc...) In a nutshell, there is a lot to learn and figure out! The toughest part is that there isn't only one person to talk to .... there are lots and lots since they all know different things. The tough part, I don't really have the energy to dig through all of the details which I HAVE TO KNOW. Thankfully Joann and Amy M are helping me there.
Joann left this morning but let me tell you, she CAN COOK! Wow, you would be amazed at how much she cooked for me. There are so many sweets and dinners that she has put in the freezer that I think all the next visitors are lucky! She also dusted and vacuumed which was needed... Of course I did something for her- I painted her nails with a lovely OPI color! I love that stuff and I have always helped her with her nails so it's the least I could do for her...
Amy D has come yesterday afternoon and will be staying until Saturday. She has already asked me "what's on the list?". So, she has of course started things.... she is painting and she also helped me put the organic lawn fertilizer on the lawn! I couldn't lift the 40 lb bag (I so would have been in trouble for that weight lifting!) so she did that but I couldn't help myself to use the spreader to put it on the lawn...
I am still amazed and happy for all of the help from family, friends, co-workers and the Feng Shui lady! You guys are helping me keep my positive attitude, that's for sure...
I talked to the Briard Rescue woman the other day and it is confirmed that Mom and I can pick up Radar on Saturday or Sunday (Feb 10th or 11th) so I am soooo excited! I will bring Nala with us and I'm sure they will both be excited too... THANKS MOM!!!! (It means a whole lot to help me with that... of course you know that, you were the one who had to drive him to AZ!) My fingers are crossed that his coat will be okay... I would love to see his coat continuing to grow long! But, if it's not great after the kennel, it'll grow eventually I guess :-)
I'll try to get a new picture done today since it's a great day here... So, keep watching for that! Maybe I should have Joe in the picture instead of Nala... stay tuned.
Would you call this brief??? :-)
Hi Debbie!
Uncle David and I have been keeping tabs on you through this blog even while we are in Florida for a few months. Its so good to hear of your progress and the great group of friends you have!
Your home must be shaping up well with all the painting, moving, cleaning and fertilizing! Just remember to get lots of rest!
Have a great visit with your Mom and later with Amy and Meredith--that will be such a treat!
Auntie Rita
Dear Deb
Ant here, Oscar would love to meet Nala and Joey next week. We can be out ther Friday the 2nd, but i have to leave on sunday for work on monday. I was thinking about bringing my brother so he can do the heavy lifting and yard work. So don't do too much this week, we can to keep him busy.
Can't wait to see you
Brief? Ahhhh NO, but we like it that way!!! No brief posts from you will be had! We like em long and jam packed with info. You are a great story teller, I enjoy reading your posts (along with everyone else's) You will do just fine with everything, just keep the positive thoughts flowing, keep your strength up as much as you can...a nap sounds pretty darn good to me!! Thinking of you always. Love ya lots.
We can't wait to get to CA tomorrow!!!! It is absolutely freezing here!!!! (And we, of course, want to see you, Nala and Joe).
Lots of love,
It was great talking to you last night.I have not been bothering you every night because you are so busy with everyone there helping,thank you all very very much for all you are doing for my girl.Amy & Meredith have a great time with Auntie Debbie! Debbie you are so upbeat it is catchy.See you soon...Love Mom
brief? No. But you knew that. Ech of your posts is like a chapter from, oh, I don't know - let me think of a huge novel - yes War and Peace - Debbie Tolstoy is is!
I am sure that you will get all of your questions answered at your next visit with the former COH oncologist - I doubt you shall let her finish the appointment without having completed her items on the now famous list (in this case responding to all of your very good questions).
Ah the bureaucracy of disability paperwork - you will need special meds to deal with all of that, i.e., ETOH :). Let me know if I can do anyhting, ok?
So Thelma and Louise (and Nala) are going on a road trip to fetch Radar - oh boy - look out Arizona! This seems to be fodder for a National Lampoon vacation flick - the Runaway Briard (apologies to Julia Roberts and Richard Gere)
Breif it's not,but great to hear all the news. So glad to hear you are still so upbeat. We know you are sooo looking forward to have Radar back with you. Nala will be happy to have her playmate back. Sounds like you are having a great time with all your visitors and lots of progress made on the house. It's wonderful to know you have so many people who love and care for you.
Our hello's to your sister and niece and also your mom.
Take care and looking forward to your next post.
Priscilla and Larry
Hi Deb,
As usual it was sooo good to hear from you. Could you please make the next posting a little longer this last one was a little to short. It sounds like you are having some great times with all your vistors and getting lots of work out of them, that's a girl Deb! Keep your faith Deb, get lots of rest and enjoy the time with your friends. Wish I could be there!
Luv you Mary
I agree with Mary. This post was WAY too brief. I missed all the relevant details, like what KIND of organic material was in the fertilizer, and how MANY coats of EXACTLY what shade of OPI color Joann received on her lovely nails...
So, why don't you write down your questions, and present them to the medical oncologist's nurse/assistant so he/she can give you written answers? It'll give you a reference sheet, you won't forget any questions, and they'll have time to answer them.
Next question on MY list is when Joann is coming to visit ME??? How do I get on this schedule of CT merry maids? I mean, really. I don't think I'm buying this whole brain gig anymore. You move to Hollywood like a Beverly Hillbilly in your Honda Element and next thing you know you're doing the "rehab" thing, then people are lining up to come feed you, paint your nails, prune your shrubs, fertilize your lawn, dust, vacuum, assemble furniture, etc. while you Fung Shui your life. Next we'll probably be reading about a "cement pond" being installed on the front lawn. You crack me up kid.
Love ya man!
Hhhmmm... Barbara and Mollie, you both crack me up, but of course in two different ways!
I love reading everyone's comments whether supportive, funny, asking questions- they are great!
I am definitely loving the Runaway Briard title for Mom and me picking up Radar in AZ... I guess I'll have to take lots of pictures! (you reaally have to read the letters on the second word of that title... it's Radar's breed!)
The fertilizer for the lawn is awesome... it's from the Gardens Alive company which is super important if you have kids and pets in your yard! I can give you more details... Mollie, you can't use the toxic stuff just because you have that Dacshund that you want to give me!
Wait till you hear about what's been going on here.... RAIN! It hasn't rained this much since I've been here... So, I'm guessing it's raining so I can nap (which is what I've been doing!)
Finally a post from your other sister in law! I am so happy you are full of so much energy! Your positive attitude will surely get you far in this battle! Have a great week with Amy and Meredith, if anyone can heal someone it would be that little spitfire Meredith! So give her lots of hugs and she surely will add to your Ch'i!
We love you, and send you positive thoughts daily!
Deb you look WONDERFUL !
Keep up the good, positive work! ANd yeah you get to drive locally thats fantastic.
Love readign all about how things are going continue to post!
The Runaway Briard might not be too much of a stretch... Remember when you were initially moving to Cali? Somewhere in St. Louis Radar decided to stretch his legs in pursuit of a rabbit? I was reading that e-mail from you a few days ago and laughing about how life goes.
And thanks for the tip about the toxic fertilizer... I hadn't considered THAT as a way to rid myself of the weenie dog. I'll be next in line at Home Depot requesting the brand ACME brand Wiley Coyote would recommend.
Love Ya Man!
the picture is mahveloussss dahling!
I gotta know who said "mahvelousss dahling"... I'm stumped even though I can usually figure out what anonymous people say :-)
Mollie, you are so right about Radar's fame into being called the Runaway Briard in St. Louis... of course he came back to me and wondered why I was upset that he chased a rabbit so far, far away!
Hey Deb!
You look great! Whatever you're doing, keep doing it! Peter just informed me to stay out of the sun to avoid the wrinkles that are "starting to form." I'm only 34 for Christ's sake!! Yeah, what a great husband.....ugh! I guess to be positive about it, at least he's honest in what he says. I know it's been a while since I've posted anything and that's due to the fact that I've been busy starting a new business venture in order to be able to continue to stay home with the girls after this year off. I'm now an official Tastefully Simple consultant. It's great tasting food and EASY to prepare. Let's hope it goes well. How are you feeling? Is Ant coming this weekend? Have fun with her. Take care of yourself!
Great picture of you and Joe you both look wonderful.
Larry misses his Joey visits and we sure miss you lots.
Hope you are having a great time with your sister and niece.
Take care.
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