Deb's Update: 03/28/2007 7:35 AM
Hi all, I'm in Cycle 2 already. Yesterday I started the dosing for this cycle and I will finish on Saturday. The biggest thing is that I feel really tired. I think it's one of those things that definitely require a nap... yesterday's nap was 3 hours! That's a major nap, huh? But, I still slept about 8 hours last night so I'm guessing that my blood counts are still low enough for my fatigue.
I went to my Med Oncologist on Monday, March 19th and my WBC was 2.1, PLT was 156 and neutrophils were 80%. She thought it was definitely a bit early to do the labs before the cycle that started on March 27th (and that my counts may go up between the 19th and 27th). So next cycle, I'll be going on the Thursday or Friday (about 5 days prior to dosing) instead of a Monday which was 8 days prior to this cycle dosing! Live and learn, huh?
You bet I did describe to her that the reason that I was there EARLY was that I needed to make sure CuraScripts shipped the chemo in plenty of time for me to take it when I should. Of course I called Curascripts Monday through Wednesday and I actually got the chemo on Thursday so at least it was on time this cycle. Curascripts will not ship the chemo until my doc faxes in the Rx... which obviously will be after my appointment. So, you guessed it, I'll do a Thursday AM appointment next cycle (my dosing usually begins on Tuesdays)!
I am actually hoping that my hair will start growing back soon. The skin area (the bald spots on my scalp) is feeling a little different. It is actually sticky instead of smooth like baby skin. So, the guess is that the hair follicles are starting to do something and soon the hair stubs may start growing.... believe me, I would prefer the hair than the sticky skin! I am finally getting my hair cut next week just because I really want it to be balanced instead of one side being a little longer than the other side! Stay tuned...
I am still not doing too much exercise which is weird for me. I walk the dogs and doing a little yoga stuff here and there. It's hard to do things when I'm home alone and there aren't any other gym buddies doing the exercise with me. But, I do the relaxation breathing when I'm sitting still, so at least I'm doing SOMETHING! Not exercise, but relaxation!!! I will probably begin doing some type of lunges or squats (without any weights since it's at home) because my glutes are nearly GONE! Mary X. you'd be shocked because I'm guessing that your glutes may actually be bigger than mine now... Bummer, huh? I'm quite sure that is why my pants are requiring belts now :-)
The dogs are still very happy to have me home. Radar is getting back on track weight-wise. The vet wants him to come back once per month to get weighed... So, I'm thinking he has about 8 lbs to go. Oh, I just thought of something: maybe he's losing weight because I am losing weight! He's my major, attached dog... so maybe? Kidding, but hey, you just never know!!! I'd like to put 8 lbs back on too? Fingers crossed that bigger glutes would make my weight go up :-) Nala is still always interested in playing frisbee... but interestingly enough, Radar is back into it too! He watched Nala catch it and then heads her way and brings it back for her... Of course he doesn't want to catch it, but he sure does like to bring it back to me. He hasn't done that for over a year or two, so he is definitely back to his silly self.
Ant is coming today and will be hear through Friday... She thought she should come down to visit just to cook and or help me during my chemo cycles. That's super nice, so I can't wait to see her. Of course I am going to ask her head out for pizza with me... I've been dying for pizza these days!
As you can tell, there really isn't much I'm doing each day besides cooking, errands, sewing, dog walks and NAPS!
Thank you guys for continuing to read my blog website and to comment on how things are going! It sure is tough for me to be here and not knowing a ton of people like I did when I was in CT... so, the comments keep me going and make me feel like there is still socializing (sort of!!!) which is soooooo common for me!
Time to go eat my breakfast... I have to wait an hour post chemo dose but I usually give it an hour and a half JUST so those capsules can absorb big time!
Love Ya!
Damn. I just typed a huge response, and then lost the entire thing because of this STUPID computer.
DID YOU SAY YOU LOST YOUR GLUTES????? Debbie REARdon with no glutes. Bertha Butt J-Lo REARdon without the infamous back porch that could knock you over with a bump from across the room? The only curvaceous feature on a profile that could be considered a detour? Wait - are you certain those were actually glutes and not a tumor susceptible to the chemo? Forget about the brain thing...get JAMA on the horn. This is big medical news.
And looky here, little miss sticky head, don't go discounting Radar's weight loss. That doggie-foo is insanely in sync with you. He probably has no butt now either, and I wouldn't be surprised if he has a sticky spot on his head. (possibly from rubbing up against something that smelled interesting on a walk, but that's irrelevant).
I sure wish I could get out there and hang with you. I've been known to whip up a darned fine pizza dough myself, and am itching to get into the garden. Plus, I'm really not motivated to dive into repairing the drywall from my recent plumbing repair fiasco.
Baris is developing ulcers thinking about what Mills and I have in store prank-wise for her visit with you. Barking orders to cease and desist combined with pleas and begs. Rather pathetic, really. I'll need to get in touch with you on the down low about that. No worries, Baris - have some trust... (evil smile)
Don't thank us for reading your blog, kiddo. We miss you like crazy and I know Baris and I check this blog several times a day. If there was a way to magically transport you back to CT we'd do it in a heartbeat.
Love ya man!
I would have commented earlier but I'll be darned if I can figure out how to post a comment on this thing if one hasn't been posted already (and I thought I was computer literate....oh well.) Sounds like you're doing great...keep taking your naps, it's your body's way of healing I would, who doesn't love a nap....I sure would!!! I also wish I could come to visit you, I miss you very much and would enjoy seeing's been quite a while hasn't it? Did I mention Markie is getting married in august? sooooo, lots of wedding stuff going on, I guess I'm really not that involved being down here in sunny FLA, but I try to help anyway.....who would have ever thought he would get married huh? always so glad to read your blogs, I look forward to them !!!Keep nappin and keep strong. Love ya lots.
Not your fault about not being able to post a comment. I forgot to activate the "allow comments" link when I first posted.
Brian the bloggerizer
Nyah, Nyah. I got to comment first. (wink)
Hi Deb!
Good luck with this second round of chemo--we're continuing to root and pray for you from the sidelines. Uncle David and I are heading home from Florida next week and will be home for summer and fall. We will miss Jeanne and her family, but look forward to being with the boys and other grandkids for a while.
What have you been making? I hear you make fantastic quilts (you and Jeanne have that in common). As you remember, I love to knit and crochet and find it a very relaxing hobby. I imagine that you find sewing does the same for you. Don't you love to start a new project, search for just the right pattern and materials and watch it progress?
Keep taking those naps - they're important!
Auntie Rita
Hi Debbie,
Hoping all goes well on your second cycle of chemo.
Rest as often as needed. Naps are great.
We are finally seeing signs of spring with the crocus blooming. Nicki is looking forward to seeing what comes up in the yard that you so lovingly planted.
Larry will certainly send pictures of your pretty flowers.
So good to hear Radar is back to his old tricks with the frisbee. We sure do miss all of you. We think of you always and you are in our prayers. Take care.
Love Larry and Priscilla
Hey thanks Brian, I don't feel like such a moron now....and Mollie, I would rather read your post over mine anyday....I keep asking.....when are you starting your stand up tour????
Nikki - I did after dinner speaking in High School for Trombauer Speech and Drama competition. That's basically the same thing. Didn't win anything except an Honorable Mention - the "Thanks for Coming" prize. Basically the funniest thing that happened for me was that my friend did her very serious dramatic monologue with her pants unzipped and I couldn't stop laughing so we got thrown out and our teacher had to meet us outside. He couldn't stop laughing either once we told him what happened. Should have done that instead of my gig.
Hey Deb - What's new? Yesterday was April Fool's Day and I didn't do ANYTHING to Baris.
Love ya man.
I was feeling kind of yucky Thursday, Friday and Saturday and even a little bit yesterday. I'm hoping that stuff was working majorly so I had to rest, stay put, and eat Saltines!
I will get labs done earlier than my med onc doc told me to come for... I think I need to make sure that I know how they are mid-cycle especially so I can decide how to do the work thing and public thing with a low blood count type of stuff...
I heard back from Dr. Yu and he seems to think I'll be getting the vaccine before I start Cycle 3! I have to certainly call the coordinator since I'm sure she knows a little more about how I will be enrolling (I'm sure you guys agree that the coordinators know more than the docs sometimes, don't they!?)
That's it for now... hopefully I won't nap for 3 hours again today, but hey, if I have to I have to... :-)
Keep your good thoughts coming... I'm going to continue to kick this stuff with my positive attitude!
Hi Debbie,
Glad to hear the vaccine study is starting soon! I was at a meeting all last week but please know I am always thinking of you and checking the blog!!
So, I was just watching the news and it says that you're having 75 degree weather in sunny CA and they're calling for snow here today. Ah, the life of a New's April and still snowing. Ugh! Hopefully it'll melt right away otherwise the girls and their cousins will be hunting for Easter eggs in their snowsuits this year! :)
Glad to hear that you're taking advantage of the opportunity to nap these days. And hopefully you won't be feeling yucky for too much longer. How's your scalp doing? Still sticky? Did you get your hair cut yet?
I thought of you and your love for plants as Allie and I planted some flower seeds that we'll transfer outside once they're big enough and the weather is better. Her plants are already starting to grow! She definetly didn't get her green thumb from me. :)
I think of you and check this blog all the time. I'm still praying for you and hope you're feeling better.
Love ya,
popped in to check on you and was so happy to see you doing so well. i think of you a lot. hard not to think of you, i adore you *and* i'm the glio CRA of City of Hope don't ya know. *wink*
your dogs are gorgeous! i wanna see a pic of Joey!
write sometime if you are up for it.....
I don't want to hear about your 75 degree weather. We had two days in the 70's and are expecting snow on Easter Sunday. Ick. Sorry you've been feeling poorly. Bummer. Positive energy definitely coming your way. I'm dying to see your haircut when you get it done - take a pic of you holding Joey. (I'm not demanding at all, am I?) I also want to know what the coordinator says about you starting the vaccine study, and I'm very curious about your blood counts because you're feeling so tired. Epogen? Neupogen? Anything? Kick in the Pants?
Love ya man. Hoppy upcoming Easter.
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