I wanted to send you the picture of the boat Jimmy, Dianne and I saw when we were out in Buzzards Bay. We hope you could post it on the website, as it is truly Debbie letting us know she is free.
A boat, what a peaceful sign from her!
Love and Hugs,-- Marianne
P.S. If anyone has photos to share, please email them. Thanks!
I got CHILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for posting that....it's amazing...I've been dreaming of Debbie a lot lately....hopefully it's her way of letting me know she's doing well.
What a beautiful picture! That is Deb's way of telling us she's okay and wants us to feel the same.
Not only did Marianne see a boat with Debbie's name on it, but I had a dream about her the other day. I thought I’d take a moment to share my dream because I truly believe this is her way of saying she’s dancing with angels.
I shared a desk with Debbie at Amgen. I knew Debbie a very short time compared to everyone else, but she really did inspire me to laugh and love life. She showed all of us that life is very precious and every moment real. What she went through opened our eyes to what ‘could’ happen to all of us.
At work Debbie had this 'money tree' that grew about 5 times the normal size! I asked once how on earth she got it to grow so much and so fast – “skill” she said, “just skill”. Ha ha ha… When Debbie went out on medical leave she told me the tree was my responsibility and that I should keep it watered and healthy. She kept saying how she needed to make millions of dollars to go shopping for hats because of her ever balding head.
Debbie gave the tree to me and if you can believe it, the tree is still growing and sprouting new leaves! =)
In my dream I was at the grocery store shopping for vegetables. Debbie came around the corner and said, “I’ve got tons of money and hats up there. Keep watering that tree!” Of course, I just laughed like crazy and woke up with this good feeling – she’s happy and okay.
When someone comes into your life, it’s for a specific reason. Debbie touched so many people’s lives and has a huge network of friends and family that still love her every day that passes. Everyday I come to work and I sit at ‘our’ desk and I remember how fabulous she still is. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family and every time I see wind blowing through the tree tops, I know it’s Debbie - dancing with Angels.
Have a wonderful day!
Thank you for keeping the blog going. It's a wonderfull site for everyone to keep in touch.
What a great boat, and a great name for a boat. I'm sure she is sailing the clears seas up above, and getting a little sun too.
Great picture!
I'm always thinking of Debbie. My kids still ask me if I'm talking to Deb on the phone. The things they remember!!!
For Christmas last year, I gave Debbie a glass jar of "365 Notes to My Sister." Well, Debbie didn't get a chance to open all the messages, so my mom gave the jar to me and said, "now the messages will be from Debbie to you." The message I got today said "just wanted you to know . . . God and I are thinking of you today." It's nice to know Debbie is in heaven watching out for all of us!
Stand Up To Cancer Special on Abc (actually on all 3 major networks I believe) Friday Night Sept 5th 8/7C for anyone who might want to watch. Thinking of you Deb!!!!
"Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you." ~Edna St Vincent Millay
Before Debbie's rapid decline, she got into the habit of calling family and friends 5 or more times a day just to say hi or to say nothing much at all. I guess that was Debbie's way of getting in as many talks as she could before she was gone so that we would have our fill to last a lifetime. Well, I think she needed to call me 100 or more times a day, because my fill is empty and I need to hear her voice once again. I miss you Deb!
Oh Amy, you bring tears to my eyes....as I have become much closer to my own sister (also an Amy!) over the years, I can imagine your emptiness....I thought of Deb yesterday morning as I watched the "return" of the New Kids on the Block on the today show....we were crazy about them, and Jordan Knight was Deb's favy (as she would say) and he was the one who sang that morning...I just sat there and listened and thought of Deb!!
May your emptiness be filled by the happy memories you have of Deb!
I got to see a few of the Sister Notes when Deb was visiting Ct in July, and they all sounded just like what Amy would say. Deb absoutley loved them! They were probably the coolest thing I've ever seen anyone do for someone else. Deb was never big on showing emotion but I do know how much she loved her sister. And I know she needed those Notes as much as she needed her chemo. Love got her through those last months and it will get us all through now:)
Amy M
For Amy D:
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)
i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
That is beautiful! Debbie is with her family and friends always.
Amy D., What lovely gift to give to Debbie. She had to love reading a new note everyday.
Just wanted everyone to know that Nala is now living with Larry and I and our cats Smokey and Pumpkin. She is settling in nicely and the cats are adapting to having a dog in the house again. Our beloved sheltie,Duncan, passed away in February and we just weren't ready for another dog yet. Or so we thought. When we saw Debbie in July she asked if we had gotten a new dog. Our answer was no. Debbie said you will know when it's time. I feel she sent us Nala to fill our hearts again with another canine companion. We feel so special to have a part of something Debbie loved in our home. So Nala is living with us next door to Debbie's former home in Ct. Any one who wishes to visit Nala is welcome anytime.
I was driving in New London, CT today and when ever I'm in the area and near Deb's old home I go down her street and say hi to her house and to her. Their is a park behind Deb's house and in the park parking lot today was a black Honda Element. Deb was visting New London today and after reading Larry's post she came to see Nala too. In spite of the lousy weather I had a good day today!
Greetings everyone
All of Debs things are due home today in Mass.Amy is receiving all her things.I miss her so much and continue to cry daily.I just want to hear her call me Momma Mia one more time.I know she is at peace but still thought she would beat it,Thanks to all her friends for being there for all of us.A special thanks to Brigitte for taking care of the plans for Debs things to come home and a special thanks to Amgen for making it possible,thank you all again.
It may not seem this way right away but I'm sure having Deb's belongings near all of you will bring smiles and tears I'm sure. She gave me her furniture that was in her den in her house in New London and I love looking at it every day. Time will make it a little easier and Deb will never be forgotten.
Hold on to what is good,even if it's a handful of earth
Hold on to what you believe,
Even if it's a tree that stands by itself
Hold on to what you must do,
Even if it's a long way from here
hold on to your life,Even if it's easier to let go,
Hold on to my hand,Even if I've gone away from you.
Pueblo Indian Prayer
I have been thinking about Deb a lot today. It's been a little rough and I'm missing her. As a result of Deb's illness and passing, a handful of us from FSC have reunited and have had wonderful conversations with each other. (Just another way Debbie has had a positive influence on us all.) Next Friday, four of us that are in the MA area are getting together and I'm sure we will have many laughs, and probably some tears too, as we reminice about our college days. We love ya Deb! You're in our hearts always!!
Well, Debbie sure has lots of stuff and my living room and garage are a lot smaller than I thought! Debbie's stuff made it to my house yesterday morning bright and early. My mom is coming to my house today to sort through the stuff family can use today and stuff that will make its way to Grammy's cottage when my Uncle Bruce gets into his new home.
I thought I would have a tough time sorting through Deb's stuff, but it has actually been therapeutic. My kids loved picking some little trinkets that make them think of Debbie and smile. I have Debbie's living room furniture in my second living room which has always been rather empty or just filed with the kids' toys. Now it is filled with Debbie and it looks great thanks to Deb's terrific knack for decorating and accessorizing. And, Meredith has learned a new word - "armoire" - finally a place for all her dress up clothes, shoes (yes, she's Debbie's niece and has too many), and dolls!
Went thru alot of Deb's things,her baby book was among the items.As Amy said " I bet you never expected to get her baby book back"
of course we then both started crying.Today seems to be a crying day too.Amy and I are going to a psychic medium show Oct 26.John Holland and Maureen Hancock are the mediums.I am also going to another show with Maureen Hancock on Nov 1.If anyone is interested in more info log on to Postcards From Heaven web site.I want to thank Carrie aka Melvin,Anita and Joanne for there recent emails,I enjoyed them alot.Deb I love you & miss you always,Mom
I had a dream about Deb last night.....I was doing laundry in what appeared to be a department store and she showed up with latte in hand asking what was wrong because I was crying. I told her I was missing her and just can't believe that she is not here with us anymore. She told me it was fine to cry and get it out, but not to miss her because she was with us all the time. Then we proceeded to shop together. It's funny, but every time I have a dream about her, she's always wearing the same outfit...jeans and a button down shirt with her hair grown long and curly.
I too am seeing a medium on Oct. 14th. This lady comes highly recommended from past clients. I can't wait to see who comes through.....possibly Debbie???
Deb's Mom,
I hope you receive some sort of sign or message from Debbie, that would be wonderful for you, just know that if she does not come thru for some reason, she's probably too busy shopping, dancing or working out! LOL. Please keep us updated as to the results of all the "readings." I wish I was going to one!!!
Although sad to see some of Deb's things, I hope you enjoy them in her memory! I'm sure she would be happy to see her niece using her armoire for shoes!!! Thinking of you all, everyday!
To Dianne Momma Mia,
It's terrific to hear that you are going to that medium show. I'll be sending beacons to you hoping that our dear Deb pops in and says hello. Let us know how it goes.
There have been postive developments in my life since the day of Deb's wake and funeral. Deb had suggested a year ago that I meet one of her friends here in Boston, but he and I never got around to getting together last year. Well, I finally met him.....and simply stated, I must say "WOW, WOW, WOW"....what a positive connection he and I have forged so far in just a few weeks. I am grateful for her referral. More details to follow later....
My best beacons to you,
Dianne and Amy,
It must be really hard and comforting at the same time to go through her things....I teared up just thinking about you guys doing that....
let us know how it goes with the medium!!!
take Care
To Deb's mom & Family,
How is everyone doing? I think about Deb and you guys always. A funny story to share since it's getting close to Halloween. Deb and I walked alot from her house and we took the dogs always. I walked Nala and she walked Radar. Halloween decorations are plentiful in New London. We were walking down one street and in the front lawn of one house were some scary decorations (mind you it's 6a.m.) They scared the shit out of Nala which made her bark and jump back and that in turn scared the shit out of Deb and I. We laughed so hard that morning I thought we were going to pee our pants. Have you ever seen a dog get spooked?
I smile alot when I think of Deb.
Greetings everyone
Thank you for the story, it made me laugh! Ugh, I miss her so much!
About one month after Deb's memorial service I moved from the Washington DC area to Long Beach, NY, a beach community on Long Island. I live one block away from the ocean and every time I see the water I think of Deb. I go running and on bike rides on a 2 mile boardwalk and Deb and her family are always in my thoughts. I was happy to see these notes and updates from Amy and Dianne - thank you so much for holding this space for us.
Sending lots of love to everyone -
Margaret, Jake, Vic, and Gateau
Hi all,
Thought about Deb a lot this afternoon and evening. After a routine medical appt I had dinner tonight at Harvard Gardens, a restaurant across the street from Mass General Hospital in Boston where Deb and I started our clinic trials careers with Dr. Growdon of the Alzheimers Disease Research Center. Our co-workers and I used to go to Harvard Gardens for celebratory occasions...and sometimes just because....i.e. for no particular reason. It's a more upscale restaurant than it used to be in the mid 90's when we used to go. She would probably approve of their decor now. Tonight at the restaurant I was with my new, close friend, who Deb suggested I meet....who I mentioned in a recent blog posting. I remain grateful for her suggestion that I meet him. THANKS DEB!! I feel very fortunate to have received the referral. Positive connection!! YEAH!
Best beacons,
Received the finished quilt today,Deb would have loved to see it I'm sure.THANK YOU JELLYBEAN...LOVE YOU LOTS.Nine weeks today Deb seems like 9 years.
Will take a picture & send to Amy to post if I can figure out how to do it..
Dianne how wonderful to have Debbie's completed
quilt. Looking forward to seeing a picture of the quilt. We miss her,too. You and the family are always on our minds.
Nala is doing great and the cats are getting used to her size and her company. As you suspected she has made her self at home on the sofa and the guest bed. She has had a play date with Anita and Alexis and enjoyed spending time with them but also was happy to be back with us.
Larry and I will have to see how she does on her evening walks and Halloween decorations after hearing Mary's story.
Our love and prayers to you and the family.
Larry and Priscilla
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