Monday, April 14, 2008

Deb's Update: April 14, 2008 8:00 AM

Hi All,

Here's an update of what's been going on over the past 6 weeks...

As you know, I've been done my radiation since February 18th. In general it feels good to be done going for radiation at 7:15 AM. But, I am still losing hair!!! Not my idea of fun, but I may have to finally get a wig... I'm sure you guys are thinking what my wig would look like. I'm in wig denial and I am ignoring that the hair falling out could be do to my chemo combo! So, of course I figured I could write a song to have fun with the topic... it goes something like this:

" Debbie's hair is falling out, falling out, falling out... Debbie's hair is falling out, she's the thin haired lady.

She'll take some tape and tape hair on, tape it on, tape it one... she'll take the tape and tape hair on since she's the thin haired lady.

Tape didn't work so she got some hats, lots of hats, tons of hats... tape didn't work so it's all about hats to the thinned haired lady. "

That's all I've written for that Debbie's version of the London Bridge song!... It's just a little support for myself to get me prepared for wig shopping if (or when) I have to do that!

I have decided to take a short term disability (an 8 week Leave of Absence) so I could take a break and see how I feel taking the Avastin/CPT-11 chemo. It seems to get tougher for each cycle, but I'll take it as long as I am responding to it! I miss going to work, but taking time to 're-group' has gotten me back on my routine life: walking the dogs, making my own lunch and dinner, and going to Yoga several times a week.

I went up to San Francisco to see Antonietta and her 'family' (her pets and husband). Since it was right after the chemo on March 10th, I had to behave and sleep! Lots of naps and sitting around to chat with Ant... Of course, we did do one interesting thing: going to a drag queen brunch at a wonderful hotel! Nothing I need to say about that, right? Overall, it was a nice visit. Charlie watched my dogs while I was away and he's now connected with them even more!

I am still off of the Decadron steroid and I am finally starting to lose the fluid in my body. I have been told that it takes just as much time to lose the fluid as it did to gain it!

Guess what happened on April Fool's Day? Radar was neutered! His in-tact male days are over!!! He seems happy and it hasn't seemed to bother him. He was actually good at the vet so I guess he was ready!!!

My sister came out for a week to visit and to give me support for my MRI on April 7th. Her support was great! Dr. Cloughsey showed us the recent MRI and previous two MRIs. His good news was that no new tumors have come into my frontal lobe area and that he had "nothing bad to say". In addition, he thinks that the recurrent tumor is responding to the chemo! I was really nervous about that day since the morning that Amy and I got into the car, we saw that my car had been broken into! Although I'm a car door locked addict, I didn't lock it on Sunday night... So, basically the robbers just pulled the door open and stole several things (except for my $1.99 sunglasses!!!). Not a confident way to start that day, huh? But, obviously the day ended and I was happy!

When Amy was here we went to Pantages and saw Wicked! We had great seats (front row of the Mezzanine!) so the view was amazing!!! Before my sister's arrival, Charlie and I had gone to the CA Science Center and saw the Body Worlds 3 which is amazing! I never thought I'd be that interested in seeing these deceased, real bodies with most of their skin off!!! But, since it IS very interesting exhibit I asked Amy and Kimmie if they wanted to go! So, we all went and they enjoyed it too... obviously this is a highly recommended exhibit if you're not creeped-out when looking at real bodies and every part of those body!

Time for me to get going since I have to head to the neurologist's office. I think I'll also walk the dogs for a few miles this morning before it gets too hot.

That's it for now! Hugs to everyone...


Anonymous said...

Love the song Debbie! My girlfriend uses a wig (stage IV ovarian cancer) and her hair actually looks better than the real thing! Quite stylish!

Anonymous said...

I think why go for something that might fool everyone, why not do a Britney and go pink with the hair!
By the way Deb, I know you were just as jealous of the Drag queens bodies as I was.


Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,

Don't worry about the wigs... THINK HALLOWEEN really could be fun....I mean that. Think of the OPTIONS!! Buy SEVERAL!! You'll be beautiful no matter what!! Definitely stick with the brunette. I don't think blonde would be good.

How is the Feng Shui Lady? Has she been back to your house yet to re-analyze the situation? Spring could be a good time for re-analyzing and re-freshing things.

I'm glad you are taking the time off from work that you need. It REALLY is important to do that. Trust are making the right decision on that one.

I finally started a job search. Had my first interview yesterday. I'm hoping to be employed in a different job no later than mid-Summer.

Beacons from the East,

Anonymous said...

Finally, I was itchin for an update from you. Glad to hear all sounds like it's going well....just think, maybe you could actually do a straight hair wig? Hmmmm, wonder how that would look :) That drag queen thing sounds like it was fun! Just a little over 2 weeks left until the big day for me :~()!!!!! I also think it's a good idea for you to take some time off from work....gotta make sure Deb is well, 1st and foremost!!!! Keep strong, we all love you!

Anonymous said...

Ahah - work break - THAT explains why you haven't answered my e-mails. Gotta send those to the OTHER address now.

So, did you get any good contact information from the drag queens - you know, about the whole wig thing. Girl, those ladies will SET YOU UP with the right place to go. MMMM HMMM

I've heard that plasticine body exhibit is fabulous. The Pope doesn't seem to like it much, but he and I aren't big friends anyway. Lucky for us here in Philly, we have the Mutter Museum with all of the medically freakish specimens, etc.

Ok, now it's time to comment about the Element being broken into. Bummer, but....who breaks into an ELEMENT???? SERIOUSLY. Oh, wait - that's right - they only stole things out of the car - not the car itself. Too smart for that....

So I'm glad your brain is at least staying the same, if not getting better. Sorry the Chemo is such a drag, but I agree - if it's working - Fabulous.

And Radar the nutless wonder - I'm glad he did well with that "minor" procedure. scratch Nala on the head for me.
Love ya man!

Anonymous said...

glad you updated Debbie you are always on my mind. Glad to hear the chemo/rad is working. Buy a fun wig!

Laura (coh)

Anonymous said...

Hey Deb!
Glad to hear your MRI provided you with good news! I'm so happy for you! It's great to hear from you. I check the blog daily and get excited when you write. I haven't had much time to write myself these days. Peter's been in and out of the hospital lately and has taken short term disability himself. It's a good thing to do when you're not well as it gives you the time you need and deserve to regroup. The girls are loving the nice weather we're having here now. Allie has grown so much in the last few months that she totally skipped a size in clothing. Riley is still just a little peanut and people can't believe it when I tell them she's almost 2. Good luck with the wig shopping! I'm looking forward to seeing you as a blond! :)
Take care,

Anonymous said...


Do you have any trips to New England planned? Another birthday party this year? Just curious...

Hope you are doing well these past few weeks since the last update you posted.

I've been job searching like a crazy person while working really hard as usual in my regular job. Just finished 2 second interviews yesterday for what I believe would be promising opportunities. One is with Vertex Pharmaceuticals. The other is with Sirtris, a start-up pharm that was just acquired by GlaxoSmithKline a few weeks ago. If these are going to materialize in to job offers I should know by the end of this week. I am both nervous and excited.....I very much need to disconnect from my current workplace which has deteriorated significantly over a long period of time and has been wearing me down.

Hope you are still eating / drinking miso soup. I had some for lunch today....and thought of you.

I've also been dating someone new who appears to be a NORMAL guy.....FINALLY, : ) This one was referred to me by an expensive dating service I joined two years ago, where they select someone for you, and you have to make an effort to get to know that person.

Any progress on wig selections?? We are waiting for photos. I am certain you will look beautiful as always.

Beacons from the East,

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,
I also would like to know if you have plans to go north for your b-day at all? Soooo, I am now Mrs. Schnobrich.....I know, I went from bad to WORSE in the last name department....who would have you still use the mustlovebriards email? I sent you a couple pics to that email, if not, let me know which email to use. Hope all is well with you!
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Nikki!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Donna! It was fun!

Anonymous said...

Deb, (and Amy Cav,)
I had to laugh and think of you guys this morning....did anyone see TNKOTB (the new kids on the block) reunion on the today show this morning? Deb, your fav Jordan Knight sang, as they all did, it just brought back a lot of fun memories....remember the freakin devil dog incident w/me? LOL!!!!! hey, they sounded pretty good to me actually, and most of them grew up to be handsome guys!!! Donnie is still my FAVY!!!!!!
love ya,

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb!
It was great to see an update. I'm glad the chemo is working. Mark and I saw the Bodies and we loved it too. He was fascinated with all the muscle stuff, of course. Speaking of bodies, you should see what I look like with my big preggo belly. We are having a boy and I'm due in mid-September. I saw Joy Sieklucki over the weekend. She is pregnant too- a girl due at the end of July. She looks amazing, not like a big Weeble like I do! Miss you lots and hope to catch up with you on your next trip to New England.

Love, Jess

Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
Thinking of you!! Post an update! Miss you,

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,

I hope you are doing well. Let us all know how it's going.

I secured a new data management job (non-managerial) at Vertex Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge, where I will start June 9th. My timing was quite good. A week ago, my current employer announced that the company will be CLOSING (completely cease operations) at the end of June. No wonder I have felt so awful in recent months. I am sensitive to the energy around me, and it has been so negative. All day every day, I just had visions of the walls and ceiling caving in.....and the only words that came to mind were "caving in" and "futility." So, I am just really glad I started my search in advance of the very extreme emergency we are now facing to wrap everything up in 6 weeks and hand over festering messes back to our clients. My last day is May 30th. Then I will contract with them for emergencies only through the month of June....evenings and is humanly feasible while I am starting my new job. I am really "holding the bag," as I have been basically managing the small department for the past 3 months without ANY senior level support, since our director left in Feb. Can't wait to be free and start over elsewhere.

Will you be visiting New England this summer? I have visions of an annual summer party for the Debster.

Sending beacons,

Anonymous said...

Debbie had another MRI today. The news was not as good as usual. She has progressed and it appears there may be new growth in both her left and right frontal lobes. Dr. Cloughsey put her on a new chemo drug, so she is now doing a combo of Avastin and Carboplatin. Her next MRI is in four weeks to make sure she responds to this new treatment.

Debbie will be in New England July 3rd through the 10th. She's excited to catch up.

Thanks for keeping Debbie in your thoughts and prayers,

Amy Doherty