Deb’s Update: September 17, 2007 8:30 PM PST
Well guys, here is the latest MRI update.
This is my month 10 MRI and it was the first MRI that I had done at UCLA. There is one bit of uncertainty: it wasn't 100% perfect. There seemed to be two <1mm (pin-head sized) dots in the left and right sides of my frontal lobe. Since the MRI done at UCLA seems to have more 'cuts' than the Cedars-Sinai MRI they could have located a radiation artifact that was there a while ago but was not seen on the last C-S MRI. That is one option, but the other two options could be a fluke, or disease progression. Let's hope it's option one or two, not three.
Therefore, I will be having another MRI 4 weeks from today (October 15th) to see if these pin-head sized dots will grow. So, keep your thoughts positive!!! No growth in 4 weeks will be a big relief...
Chemo will be delayed a few days as well since the UCLA folks would like to see my ANC go up a bit... I'm hovering around 1500 which isn't horrible, but they just want to see if my nadir on my blood counts is longer than they expect. The day for the standard nadir is Day 21 and my Day 21 was better than today (Day 28).... so, I could just have a nadir that goes much longer. CBC labs in two days to see if the counts go up or go down even further.
So, I will be having UCLA follow me a little closer. I will most likely have them follow my labs a lot more than my medical oncologist follows them since they see more GBM patients than my med onc doc sees.
No new updates on Amgen either but we should know more (job wise) within the next 4 weeks too... huh, don't you think it's definitely time to meditate!? I need it more at this point, so going to the Chopra center when I did was what I needed!!! So, stay tuned, you will still get some photos and the top 10 list...
Keep your thoughts positive and I need to stay in those prayers!
Love ya,
I vote for artifact
My thoughts and prayers never leave you .... alawys positive thoughts and only prayers of healing!
Debbie you are always in our prayers and nothing at all but positive thoughts coming your way. Sounds like meditation is definitely in order!!!
Love, Larry and Priscilla
Positive thoughts and lots of prayers and FAITH that those prayers will deliver the desired results. In 4 weeks we will get the great news.
Our Thoughts and Prayers,
Patrick, Sscholastica, Sarah, David and Patrick Jr
I'd check with Dr Yu and see if those small spots are where the fixture was attached to hold your skull in place for the surgery. It seems to wierd for them to be same size and spaced in identical oposite sides of your brain.
My thoughts and prayers have been and will continue to be with you always. Keep up your positive attitude as I'm sure that has a lot to do with your amazing test results thus far. Love ya!
Take care,
Definitely artifact. Pin-head artifact. I'm still confident that all is well. Deepak wouldn't have cleansed your poop shoot for nothing!
Positive thoughts and prayers coming your way, Deb.
Love ya loads!
Positive thoughts headed your way (like always!!!) Keep yourself positive, as we all know you will. Take time to rest if you need to...We're all sending our strength and prayers!!! Love ya!
Thinking of you and sending much love and prayers! Alicyn
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