Top Ten Things We Learned about Colon Cleansing
10) You can always eat Bliss Balls...
9) Men need to wear maxi pads too sometimes...
8) Don't always assume that a fart is clean...
7) Sesame oil is not only used for eating...
6) We may be on the web cam from Dr. Simon's office for our colon cleansing...(let's hope not!)
5) Don't ever sit on a stained chair in the meditation room...
4) You can't meditate or relax while getting "cleansed"...
3) We learned for the first time that we had two sphincters...
2) You are what you eat...
1) And the number one reason is... it feels so good to get it all out!

Are we gonna get the low-down as to who's who, and what's the deal with the "bag" and (i shouldn't even ask) what the hell is in it?
Love ya,
All I can say is . . . YUCK!
Look at it this way Nik, why worry about putting what we eat into the same area where we usually put it out? :-) It's all about oil, saline, herbs and that sort of stuff...
1) Ant's husband Paul with a Basti lady
2) Ant and me with Deepak (okay, so it's just a picture of him...)
3) one of the Basti/masseuse ladies
4) Ant, me, Dr. David Simon and Paul
Thanks for the info! Didn't Ant go to FSC? I thought I knew her? Anyway....I agree with Amy....YUCK!!! LOL
Love ya,
WHADDYA MEAN - "why worry about putting what we eat into the same area where we usually put it out".... I keep telling you, EXIT ONLY!!! You guys are a trip. You all look fabulous too, and I love the "top ten".
I've been off line for a week because we moved from Skippack to Yardley, PA. It's a relief to be back at "work". Hopefully I'll find the box that has my underwear in it soon.....
Love ya Deb!
I'll never look at a stained chair the same no matter where I go! Eeewww! Love the top 10!
Stay tuned, I was at the Cancer Hope Foundation Camp Keepsake this past weekend... I met lots of amazing people from volunteers, to hosts, to critters, to cancer survivors, to cancer patients of all ages. It was more inspiring than I would have thought. Hopefully I'll write about it this week.
I still have to put a picture of me and Jodi and also Radar and Nala's new trick... I keep meaning to get photo savvy but haven't had the time to download then yet :-)
Oh, and you're right Nikki, Ant went to FSC!
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