Friday, July 20, 2007

Dianne's Update: July 20th, 1:00 PM E.S.T.

Hi all , this is from Debbies Mom. All is well, it is another clear MRI for Deb.

Deb will post more when she gets a chance.


Love Dianne


Friends of Deb said...

Great news!
Love Amy & Brian

Anonymous said...

That's the best news ever!! Keep up the fantastic progress!

Love Christy

Anonymous said...

Hooray!!!! Only about four months to go before the one year mark! We knew you'd be different . . . you always have been (in a good way, of course). Hope you bought yourself something nice to celebrate! Talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

truly a gift of good news and good health - but then who really doubted :)?


Anonymous said...

That's fantastic news, Deb!! I'm so happy for you! What did the dr. about the dull headaches that you've been having lately? I hope you have a restful weekend.
Take care,

Anonymous said...

I think Dr. Yu would hire my friend Kimmie or my cousin Jeanne! They all think it's the eye strain for working full time again AND not drinking enough water! I told Dr. Yu I was drinking the small amount that only allowed me to have when I was in the hospital... he was surprised, but I told him that I'm a rule follower so he should tell me when it's time to change things :-) Of course, I don't think I need the time to start weight lifting again... I'm using the brain tumor stuff (chemo and surgery) as my excuse :-) Mary X, I'm sure you can see why I'd say that, right?

Thank you guys soooo much for all your supprt, prayers, fingers crossed, dreams, whatever! It's 110% appreciated :-) I will write another blog update next week since it's chemo week again and I'm up early just waiting to eat!


Unknown said...

Good for you!!!!! That's awesome news!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

What wonderful news another clear MRI !!! So happy
to read the good news. Looking forward to your next update. Our prayers and love coming your way.
Larry and Priscilla

Anonymous said...

Paul and I are very excited about the lastest result. Next up two more rounds of chemo; and then learning how to mediatate and meeting Deepak. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...


Wooo hooo, that's what we all want to hear! Congrats on the clear MRI!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

= )

Way to go Debbie !!!! SO happy to hear all the GREAT NEWS~


Anonymous said...


Congratulations on the clear MRI and fantastic news! I am so happy to hear your first few weeks back at work are going well, too. You continue to amaze me! I miss you and cannot wait for another visit!


Anonymous said...

Hey Deb!
I was flipping through the channels last night on TV and came across Pretty Woman. Of course I stopped and watched it for a bit. I thought of you and how it was one of your favorite movies when we were in college. It is funny to see all the "new in-style" things they had and wore that are soooo out of date now. :) Hope you're doing well and feeling good. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Hey Deb!
I'm having a difficult time getting this message posted, so I'm trying again..........
I was flipping through the TV channels last night and came across Pretty Woman. Of course I had to watch some of it and it made me think of you and how it was one of your favorite movies in college. It was funny to see all the "in-style" clothes and things back then. I think we better thank God we never reached that level of fashion! :)
Hope all is well. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Deb rocks!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I keep checking the blog, but there's nothing new posted.........anything happening out there???

Anonymous said...

Deb's dad and brother Jim out there visiting.She has also had several MD appt's this week.So far so good,new labs back ANA lower by different lab.Spoke with Deb she says she will update when able.Thanks for checking....Deb's Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey Deb- great news about the MRI! I can't believe you have to share your desk at work. Can you imagine if the person you share with was someone like Mollie? She would be leaving fake dog poo in the file folders and gluing your pens together.


Anonymous said...

I wrote a blog update but it hasn't been posted by my blog-masters yet! Lots and lots of stuff for 3 weeks, so stay tuned...
(I already wrote this comment once and for some reason it didn't seem to get in the comment section...)