Hi All,
Well, I've made it through my first week back at work! It was actually great to be back into a normal routine and actually have time fly... I went to work on Monday nice and early (left home around 8 AM) after taking Day 1 of Cycle 5 Chemo. Yup, it was a chemo week too, but I figure that I will have to see how that goes anyway so why not the week I go back?
So, I'm done Cycle 5 and technically the standard for GBM patients is actually 6 cycles... but of course I will continue through the end of the year... Since I'm doing well, am still disease free and still feeling good, I'll take it for the entire year! Before heading back to work I got everything settled at home, went to my med onc doc for my monthly appt. (labs, physical exam, weight, discussion, etc...) and of course had the FS lady come back to make sure my house is very FS correct still!
Labs were still the same as they typically are for most pre-cycle lab tests although the HGB and HCT were just a bit higher which is a good thing :-) I asked Dr. Kaul (my med onc doc) for an ANA lab too just to see if the Bactrim DS that I was taking is definitely what affected the 'photosensitivity' . To get those ANA labs done again I consider it my experiment so of course I'll tell you those results when they get them in... no results are in yet. I had been off the Bactrim for just about a month so I am hopeful that it will show up on the ANA results... she did happen to do the ENTIRE panel just like I had at Cedars-Sinai. Stay tuned...
Weight is still at 132 lbs which I'm okay with... at least it's not going down and it's just hovering around that weight... Dr. Kaul is okay with it too. Maybe if I start to add more muscle it'll go up? We'll see. I have added more yoga and am actually going to a yoga studio to try it out but I am guessing that I will attend the Amgen classes here and there as well. No weight lifting, but I may add pilates to my yoga routine. So, it's just yoga, rollerblading the dogs, walking the dogs, and maybe some pilates as my exercising. Just easy stuff... no major straining. Of course I'm still doing Reiki to relax and energize me (usually before and during chemo)...
So, for you folks that are interested in Feng Shui, you can read this paragraph but if you're not, then just go to the next one!!! ;-) Patti came to my house on the Saturday before I went back to work to see how everything at my house was going to make sure that the energy was right, the cleanliness was right and I was right too!!! She was in awe when she walked from her car up the house... she was stunned at how serene the yard feels and how lovely the red flowers look (I guess you may want to see another picture of the hard work I've done with that, huh?) So, that made me happy, but I was hopeful that the inside would be okay still. As I get things... and place them where I want them, I guess it could be the completely wrong locations so I was just crossing my fingers and hopeful that everything would be okay. So, she walked around the entire house and rings a bell in all areas (don't ask.... I really don't even get this thing either) to see if the energy and Chi' are okay in those areas. Low and behold her answer was this, "I hardly ever go to any client's houses and see have this much positive energy" (which is noticed from the loud bell ringing I guess). Then she continued to tell me that she uses me as an example to lots and lots of her clients to tell her how perfect things are for me, my house, etc... Of course she told me she doesn't use my name, but how cool is that that I am getting famous with the FS lady (okay, so I'm exaggerating with being famous, but I think it's funny!)? Of course she did some sort of prayer and "Ohmmmm" thing to me but hey, I'll take anything to feel good, be healthy and be the GBM outlier that will live to 90 years old!!!
Now I guess it's back to discussing work.... Monday was a bit tough and of course I had to tell some of my tough/exhausting stories about what I had to go through during Nov/Dec of last year.... there were some tears of course which you all know isn't easy for me!!! I made it through... but I sure was tired after work on Monday and went to be around 9 PM. Of course during the chemo week and working I have to get up at 5 AM to take the Kytril before chemo which is at 6 AM.... Then, of course I want to eat breakfast before heading into work just to make sure that's on time sooooo.... at 7:30 AM I eat my breakfast and then head to work. But, the day is exhausting since there are no naps during that week. I think I'll make it through that just as long as I get enough sleep at night.
Another interesting thing that I found at work was that I share a desk with someone (of course we are not both at the same desk at the same time!)... that'll just take some adjustment I'm sure. But, I will hopefully be doing some work from home since Amgen has a new policy for that .... once I do a proposal, I'm sure that'll be approved. For right now it is definitely important to be at Amgen since I haven't been there for months and months so I just want to get back into the groove! I'm sure you guys can relate to that. But, I am guessing that when I'm at home, I may focus more since I will not be in a cubicle and pay attention to everything else that is going on...
Overall, the way I see it is that the first work week was a great! It starts to feel like normalcy again which is a thing that I majorly needed obviously!!! So, stay tuned to see how it goes in the upcoming weeks until I start Cycle 6 of chemo...
I should have another MRI done sometime in mid-July so add me to your prayers again and make sure that this one comes out okay too!!! My thoughts and feeling about this one is okay too, but hey, it's not too hard to ask for fingers crossed and prayers for me, is it? :-)
That's it for now... time for me to get some stuff done around the house since I have company coming this week (Al from CT, his sister from CT, Antonietta and Paul (and their dog Oscar))....
Happy 4th of July :-)
Love you guys!!!
Finally, a work update....Mollie will be happy! :) Well, sounds like all went well, I am happy for you that you get to have some of your "normalcy?" back, that's important. Would be nice if you could work partial weeks at home though, just to get enough of the work environment and still enough of your rest! Definitely will keep my fingers crossed (as always!) You'll do GREAT! I miss you much, and wish you only the best!
....of course the feng shui lady is using your name.....why wouldn't she, she's probably telling angelina and brad about you as we speak :)
Happy 4th Debbie!
Great to hear yuor first week back at work went well,especially being a chemo week. So good to hear the FS lady found your house with so much positive energy. Enjoy your company! You remain always in our thoughts and prayers. Take care.
Love, Larry and Priscilla
That's great that you are back at work - I hope you get approved to work at home too, that would be good....
Good job on the feng shui stuff - you must be very proud!!
Hope you had a good 4th!!!!
take care
PS - I'm very excited because MA now has Ray's bagels, which you have talked about before and you were right - they are very yummy - they must be if I'm willing to turn the oven to 400 in 90 degree weather....plus that is a pregnancy craving!!!!! Thanks for the tip!!
Congratulations, Galynn! I think the third will be a girl (but, just be careful what you wish for)!!!!! When is the baby due?
AWESOME that you had a good week back at work. It's always nice to get back and start sifting things into buckets so you can process them again. Time off kills me - I get very distracted when I return.
And now, about this "bell-ringing" thing...I know, I know, I wasn't supposed to read that paragraph, but I couldn't help myself. So the FS granola-hippie-chick moaned over you and rang a bell, and this means all is well? I gotta get into that gig. Since she's got the corner on the West coast, maybe I'll do it in New York City, but instead of ringing a bell, I'll bang on the radiator pipes, and instead of the OOOMmhmmmm thing, I can do a little Reggae? Whaddya think?
Man, it was good to hear from you again.
Love ya!
Dear Aunt Debbie,
Thank you for my birthday presents. WHIR WHIR CHUKA CHUKA BOMP BOMP PSST!
why do I know that....WHIR WHIR CHUKA CHUKA BOMP BOMP PSST??????????
Hope all is going well!!!
It's the sound of The Music Machine, of course. You remember that crazy record (yes, record) that we listened to forever on my mom's extra large stereo in the kitchen? Debbie's favorite was the song about Patience by Herbert the Snail - "There was a snail called Herbert, who was so very slow. He caused a lot of traffic jams wherever he would go, the ants were always getting mad, the beatles they would fume, but Herbert always poked along and sang this little tune - have patience, have patience, don't be in such a hurry . . . " Very funny music - now Debbie is passing it on to the next generation of Reardons.
I had a feeling that the Doherty kids would like those religious, silly word songs... So, I figured it would be good to get it for Owen's birthday. But... It could be that Amy still loves it so much which is why she agreed to let me get that for 'them' :-) Amy, you'll have to tell me all about the new songs that they have come up with...
It's slightly embarrassing that Nikki can remember those words! How odd that I continued to sing that stuff for that long.... aaaah, back in the good ole days, huh?
Sounds like a record I need to have...
Oh My God,
I do remember that!!!! Deb, you used to sing that song all the time! how funny is that! now it's going to be stuck in my head, have patience, have patience ha ha ha too funny.....and don't be embarrassed...I still have Crissy!!! remember her?
love ya,
sounds like a record you need to break
Glad to hear things are going well being back at work. Hopefully that is still true this week. Working from home would be a wonderful way of working and still being able to get a quick nap in if needed without waking up with a post-it stuck to the side of your face from having dosed off at your desk. :)
Can't wait for your next posting! Take care!
Paul, me, and Oscar had a great time last weekend. Oscar can't wait to visit Radar and Nala again.
Next time we see each other it will be for our Zen week with Deepak Chopra!
keep on Trucken!
Hey, anonmyous - I'd never break a record like that. Never know when you're going to have to feign insanity during a meeting. Goofy songs are perfect for that. Just start singing them softly under your breath.
and Deb - what's this about "working" from home, but someone suggesting you take naps...Sounds like it'd be about the same as when you worked for Barbara, only you just closed your door there for the naps.
Love Ya!
I will hopefully write a blog update tonight or tomorrow but now that I'm working, it's hard to find the time to write :-)
I have my next MRI this Friday morning so I will need the good wishes from everyone! Time flies, doesn't it?
Hi Debbie,
We know what you mean about finding time for the extras you want to do when you are working. We are thinking of you often and check to see if there are any new updates. Know we are with you in spirit on Friday. We sure do miss not seeing you. Give all your 4 legged kids a pat for us we miss seeing them playing next door. Travis and Deb's house sold,don't know for how much but will update you when I find out.
Take care. Our love and prayers are coming you way.
Larry and Priscilla
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