Monday, June 25, 2007

Deb's Photos from East Coast Swing! Posted 6/25/2007; 10:00 AM E.S.T.


Anonymous said...

Loving the pictures. Looks like a good time was had by all. the best picture is of coarse is the last picture of Radar and Nala, loving each other the frisbee and their momma, who's taking the picture.
See you soon


Anonymous said...

AWESOME photos. You look great, but hula hooping? Dear Lord. If I was awake right now I could have a field day with that one. Were you better or worse at the hoop before you had a chunk of brain removed?
Love ya Deb!

Anonymous said...

Debbie, great pictures from your visit back east.
Looks like you were having lots of fun. Nala and Radar look like they are having a good time as well.
Thinking of you often. Take care.
Love, Larry and Priscilla

Anonymous said...


Great pics, I think you look awesome! Love the hula hooping :) My mom and dad are visiting right now, and I'm showing them your site here, they wished they knew about your b-day party, they said they would have stopped by...that would have been funny, huh!? Keep up your strength! Love ya lots

Anonymous said...


Great pics!

For all bloggers who weren't there:

Yes, it's true, she is really back in the swing of things, and rumor has it that people she doesn't know occasionally stop her on the street and ask her if she is a movie star!!

Sending beacons,

Anonymous said...

She's not a movie star, but she plays one on TV? That's awesome. I'm dying to know how the return to work is going. I know they're glad to have you back.
Love ya Deb!

Anonymous said...

Mollie here is the lowdown of people on steps.Starting left to right,Dianne,Deb's mom,of course the star herself,far left Helen,Deb's moms roomate,Amy the redhead her daughter and Deb's godchild and Brian her husband,right front Marianne Deb's sister-in-law wife of Jim,Amy,Deb's sister,Bob,Deb's dad,red hatted Jim with his youngest Leif.Hope this answers your curiosity.....Dianne

Anonymous said...

Ok, so who are all the people in the other picture on the couch? They must be the CT girls! Can someone identify them for those of us who don't know! Always like to put the face with the name!
Hope you're doing great at work Deb!!!!

Anonymous said...

From left to right: Amy Di Rico, Lisa Dogolo, Anita Tudisco, the birthday girl (hat gives it away), Kristin Chidsey-Frink, and the one laying across all of the aboe: Carrie Melvin!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Alright! Thanks for the info on the porch crowd. Shady-looking bunch of characters....
Are we about ready for a "Back-to-work" update? I'm dying to know what's going on with the Debster.