Deb's Update: Wednesday, April 25th 9:30 PM PST
Hi All,
I just wanted to write an update since this cycle #3 is "so far, so good"!!!
Because cycle #2 was tough, I got lots and lots done this past weekend just so I could relax and hopefully feel better during this cycle...
Hi All,
I just wanted to write an update since this cycle #3 is "so far, so good"!!!
Because cycle #2 was tough, I got lots and lots done this past weekend just so I could relax and hopefully feel better during this cycle...
Thankfully, I don't have the nausea/vomiting that I had last cycle. Of course I still have 3 more days of dosing, so keep your fingers crossed that I will feel great through Saturday. I have been sure that I will need naps during this cycle, but it seems as though I am only napping about a half hour or an hour instead of the 3 hour naps that I had to take during the last cycle...
I was supposed to go to my Neurologist for a follow-up appointment tomorrow morning at 8 AM but I re-scheduled it to the following week since I am guessing that I shouldn't be doing a neuro exam while my brain is getting swamped with Temodar!!!
Last Friday I had a Reiki session done so maybe that guy/Reiki Master is the reason why this cycle seems easy so far... Interestingly enough, I had some major sinus stuffiness when I was there the last time and he did some hand stuff which he said would make the sinus drain and it would get better.... low and behold, it is 100% better and it was only about 2 days after his session! To me, Reiki is relaxation, healing and calming, so of course I need that, you guys know me! He thinks that I should be there during my chemo week as well, so I am hoping to see him this Friday.
I also went to the Laugh Factory to see some comedians last Friday. It was great to just be at a place where I think about nothing other than major laughing!!! Always a good thing, huh? Of course there aren't always ALL good comedians each night, but Mollie, I think it's your next job! There were no female comedians there but I'm sure that you could do it.... :-)
Anyway, this was just a quick update to let you know that everything is going well for this cycle so far... of course I will give you another update if things change, or even if they get better!!! I still haven't taken any pictures of myself with my 'timer' camera, so maybe I'll work on that soon too. It's probably a good thing to show the hair growing back in these next photos, huh? I'll see what I can do...
I was supposed to go to my Neurologist for a follow-up appointment tomorrow morning at 8 AM but I re-scheduled it to the following week since I am guessing that I shouldn't be doing a neuro exam while my brain is getting swamped with Temodar!!!
Last Friday I had a Reiki session done so maybe that guy/Reiki Master is the reason why this cycle seems easy so far... Interestingly enough, I had some major sinus stuffiness when I was there the last time and he did some hand stuff which he said would make the sinus drain and it would get better.... low and behold, it is 100% better and it was only about 2 days after his session! To me, Reiki is relaxation, healing and calming, so of course I need that, you guys know me! He thinks that I should be there during my chemo week as well, so I am hoping to see him this Friday.
I also went to the Laugh Factory to see some comedians last Friday. It was great to just be at a place where I think about nothing other than major laughing!!! Always a good thing, huh? Of course there aren't always ALL good comedians each night, but Mollie, I think it's your next job! There were no female comedians there but I'm sure that you could do it.... :-)
Anyway, this was just a quick update to let you know that everything is going well for this cycle so far... of course I will give you another update if things change, or even if they get better!!! I still haven't taken any pictures of myself with my 'timer' camera, so maybe I'll work on that soon too. It's probably a good thing to show the hair growing back in these next photos, huh? I'll see what I can do...
Good to hear cycle three is going good so far. So Reiki is working for you? Glad to hear it. I guess Paul should treat for stuff more often, what should he treat for us next, Hawaii?
Finally got my steam cleaner, and what a job it did on my bathroom floor grout, amazing! Can't wait to do your floor, but I think it will take the whole week I'm down there.
Laughing is the best thing to distract oneself. Remember it's easier to make one cry then it is to make one laugh.
love lots
Great news this week! Glad you're feeling good (no hurling is always a good thing!) It's great that you're keeping us all up to speed on the latest trends....FS, reiki....it all sounds wonderful!!! Hope the rest of your cycle is smooth sailing. Just want you to know that I think about you every single day! Miss you and love ya lots
Glad to hear you are feeling better. There really is nothing worse than feeling nauseous. It is also nice to hear that you have slowed down a bit. You have always needed that.
We can't wait to see you when you make it back East next month. For everyone out there who likes to plan ahead, there will be a "Welcome Home, Debbie" celebration on Saturday, June 2nd in Marion. More details will follow.
Take care and have a nice long nap for me.
Hey there!
I'm so glad to hear that this cycle is going better than the last one. I think there is something to Reiki. Someone I work with is skilled in Reiki and when I was having my seizure trouble a few years ago, she helped me out one day after school and I did feel better after that. Thank God I haven't had any seizures in a while. My neurologist has told me to just keep getting pregnant 'cause that's when I don't seem to have any. :)
I am still planning on giving you a call during nap time around here, but we've been pretty busy the past couple of weeks. MA was on vacation last week and NH is on vacation this week, so all my teacher friends and I have been getting together during the day, and I haven't been able to do it yet. But, I will.
Riley is actually yelling at me now, so I guess it's time to go play. Keep your spirits up. You're doing a FANTASTIC job kicking this things butt!!!
Take care,
Hi Debbie,
I am in awe of you!! I’m sorry I’ve been silent so long (this is the first time I’ve ever done anything on a blog…), but I read your updates faithfully and think of you and send positive waves in your direction all the time. I hope this course of treatment continues to go well. You look beautiful in pink, healthy and happy!
Karen Rickard
Hi Debbie,
I am so glad to hear you are feeling great this cycle and LOVE the pictures you posted! You look amazing (as usual)!!!
Hi All,
This cycle is going really, really well... I have no head cloudiness, no nausea and no fatigue! Not sure why, but I'll take it. I was even able to drive since my head wasn't feeling a bit cloudy :-) I didn't do anything major since I want to make sure that things continue to go well during this cycle... I still have one day of dosing left.
I'm guessing that I have picked the right colors to wear to make myself look good :-) Okay, here's my secret: a book called "What You Wear Can Change Your Life" by Trinny Woodall and Susannah Constantine. This is actually a comical book that I got almost 2 years ago... some of the Pfizer girls will know what I'm talking about :-) It goes into what style, color, accessories, jewelry, shoes, etc... is correct for your body shape. Of course I am not looking too skinny I hope since I am really, really following the skinny girl dressing now!!!!
That's it for now, just wanted to give you guys a quick update... Here's hoping that the May cycle will be stunning as well so that I will feel good when I am home visiting. Ah, and more Reiki today since he wanted to do it again during the chemo... he has read an article about an oncologist who decided to learn how to do Reiki because his patients "needed it".... sure enough, apparently it had helped their side effects! I'll take it!!! Okay, I'm going now... I need to stop rambling...
Hi Debbie,
Oh how great to hear this cycle is going so well. Prayers for all the following to go the same. You do look great in the new pictures posted.
We are so looking forward to seeing you in June.
Just to let you know there are signs of life in your gardens, so all of the plants were not cleared out. So glad to know they are still living. We will send pictures as they bloom.
Take care. Love to you and the furry kids.
Larry and Priscilla
You sexy thing. So - do those poofy red flower thingys bloom constantly at your house? I'm thinking about putting plastic plants in the gardens at my house. Especially since Keri had me out there with the tiller cleaning them out this weekend and they look pristine. She also had me out with the chainsaw removing trees that were crowding the birch, hauling brush into the woods 4X4 style in my truck through the mud, using my new cordless drill to hang drapery, etc. (Look at all the cool toys I got to use this weekend!!! Not to mention the tractor and the weed eater...)So I had an awesome weekend and every muscle in my body is screaming. Now I find out that you are doing awesome -so the perfection is complete. AND you're coming to MA in June??? Can I come up and visit? I'll be on my best behavior, I promise.
Oh - and Ant - try using a product called Oxyclean in your steam cleaner when you're cleaning floors with grout - I cleaned my slate floor that way - thought the grout was brown because it was when we moved in (NOT). It's really silver.
Now, Deb, you don't look scrawny to me, you look perfect. Awesome pictures. Speaking of the comedy club thing, practice laughing for no reason during the day. See what happens. Schedule time for 5 minutes of forced laughter - We used to do it in the pediatric cancer clinic. I think you'll be impressed with the results of how you feel afterwards.
Love ya man!!
Hi Deb,
It's the long lost Boston Beacon. I've missed reading your blog since earlier this month. It took a long time for me to get past my winter sickness, but I am now finally feeling human again and back to some sense of sanity.
I'm glad you are doing well and balancing the rest with the productivity. GREAT JOB!! You look great in your pics.
I have not forgotten about sending you the inventory of my kitchen cupboards and my usual shopping list for Whole Foods.......and easy, healthy snack ideas. I should be able to get that to you this week.
Keep up the laughing. : ))
Sending warm energy filled beacons,
hi Debbie,
They posted the May Astrologyzone forecast (finally!). It looks like another great months for Gemini's!!
Geeezzz, I have been trying to post on this for days, and it won't let me...hmpfff, wonder why? Anyway, Glad to hear all is going GREAT!!! I would love to hear more about when you're going to Mass, how long and all that. Oh, and I agree with everyone else about how great you look in your pics! Keep rested and stay strong! Love ya lots.
Apparently you aren't a Gemini - thus you can't post. I am a Cancer, directly on the cusp, thus I can post multiple times. Jealous? Tee hee....
I'm a Taurus and I sometimes have trouble posting. If I remember correctly, I thought you were a Taurus as well. Go figure.
Yes, I am a taurus....coming up soon, the big 35....ughhhhhh. I don't understand this thing......are you in May too? If you are, and Mollie's "middle name" is May and our birthday's are in May, then what's the deal, why the discrimination? LOL, anyway, it frustrates me, becuase by the time it lets me post, I forget what I wanted to say...(I guess maybe that comes with the "OLD AGE", :) )
you guys are too funny!
Happy Birthday to you!
actaully, Mollie's last name is May even though you are tempted to assume that she is some hee haw'ing Mollie May, a la John Boy, kind of name thing right?
I don't blame ya one bit for your assumptions. It is after all, a deliverance kind of thing :)
It is so great to see that people are still following this sight it means so much to Debbie.Love all of you and thanks for being there for Deb....Mom Reardon
Hey Deb/Amy/Auntie Di,
I'm anxious to hear more about the June get-together in Marion, MA. If it is still 'on' for the 2nd, I'll be in town too. It'd be great to see all of you......Jeanne
Hi Jeanne:
Yes - the party is on for the 2nd of June. Jimmy is sending out evites this week with details, but we'll also be posting something on the blog. I'm so happy that you can make it! It's been quite a long time.
And, yes, Nikki . . . my birthday is coming up in May, too. Three days after yours (assuming that I am correct in remembering that your birthday is on 5/12).
OK - so I'm getting slammed again. Mollie May, middle initial F. Debster, are you the one giving me the hee-haw deliverance line, or is that Mills, or did Baris rise up from blog retirement just to anonymously slam me? So I might be from the south where everybody has two names and the same number of teeth, Sweet Home Alabama, but there's no need to get all smarty pants, so there. All you people who pak the cah.
Birthday in June, born in the summer of '69!
Love ya Deb!
I have not been retired, just on a brief hiatus. However, I could not resist a response to the Mollie middle name May post - too inviting for sure.
I hesitate to ask what the F stands for and in fact will not. Let's leave that to the collective imagination, shall we?
No need to get indignant all you who hitch the wagons :).
I really thought that Mollie's middle name was May....sorry Mollie :) but geeezzz, did that stir things up LOL!!!
Happy Birthday Amy!!! yes you are right...the 12th....Good memory!!
sooooo, Deb, how long will you be up north for? I would love to get up there while you're there....
oh yeah, Deb....almost forgot, wanted to tell you that Chad Peters (you remember him, right) got married this past weekend....my brother went (Chad is his wedding consultant :)) perfect for chad, dontcha think?
Nikki is forgiven. Baris should just start numbering her days...Slamming the Southerner, but afraid to leave the safety of her little island. Typical Rhody.
I DO have interesting initials, now don't I...
Love ya Deb!
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