Wishing Everyone a Happy Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!
I first met Deb when I was 15 years old in a study hall at good old ORR High School. I had never seen someone who could bring a different Liz Claiborne purse to school each day, and from that moment on she was my hero.
Over the course of the next 20 years Deb and I spent many a New Years Eve’s together and I feel confidant in saying it wasn’t her favorite holiday!! It was always lots of planning, traveling, cold weather, too much food, too much drink and no exercising, shopping or crafts involved – the anti-Debbie holiday. But that said, I have great memories of ringing in the New Year with Deb. Even if I wasn’t with her, she would inevitably get a call from me at the stroke of midnight – not always the most lucid conversations on my part as unlike Deb I like the too much food and too much drinking part. But they were always calls of love and joy. I’ll miss that call this year but I plan on screaming a “Happy New Year” to the moon for Deb.
We hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday season and feel free to post your Deb holiday memories. We’d all love to hear them.
Amy – the Blog Maven
When Debbie and I were young, but old enough to have our own cameras, we would take pictures of each other with all our Christmas presents from that year. Among Debbie's photos that I found when her stuff arrived at my house was one of those pictures. Among the things she got that year was a beautiful mustard yellow sweater that our mom had knit for her and she so proudly wore in the picture. I forget what color mine was (because I can't find my picture), but we loved those sweaters. Looking back at those photos reminded me about how simple our Christmas presents were, but how very happy we were to have what we got. We were so proud, we took pictures!
Each year as I go overboard buying presents for my own kids, I hope that some year I can take a step back early enough in the season to remember the Christmases of our childhood . . . the simpler days of new underwear, hand-made sweaters, board games and stuffed animals. No laptops, video games, iPods, Abercrombie, or The North Face. Christmas was never really about what we got, but rather spending time with family and friends and appreciating what we had. Now that Debbie is gone, I appreciate those simple things even more.
Wishing everyone a healthy, simple and peaceful Christmas and New Year.
I love reading the stories on this blog. I'm wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy,Healthy and safe New Year!
Love to everyone
I wrote a comment here last night, and it didn't get posted, so I'm trying again. If it gets posted twice, sorry about that! :)
My holiday memory of Debbie is that when we lived together in Canton, we decorated our Christmas tree together and Deb made a bow for the top of the tree. When we all moved on to different places, I ended up with the bow and to this day, it is the topper to my family's tree. Every year, I look at the tree and think how pretty it is, but this year, I will definetly look at it and remember my friend Deb, and all her craftiness too! :)
Merry Christmas everyone!
It was this time last year I spent my last Christmas with Debbie.I can still see her telling me about the bird on her tree that she "just Had to get" because it was Grandma.I wish I could do some of the things over that happened but that can't happen.I just miss her smile,her laugh and her singning to me "Mama Mia"I was crying in her living room after her MRI and she had already gone to bed but came back to check her front light.She said "are you crying mom?" I said yes I told her I would take her disease from her if I could as I had led my life longer then she had the chance to up to that time.She told me I know mom but you can't and I know you have done everything & been there for me when I needed you.Who did I call first when I found out I had my tumor,you.Who cried to you over the phone when she found out she had a recurrent tumor,me.We hugged and cried together and she made me feel better as she always had a wayto do for all of us.I want to thank Amy the blog maven & all her friends for their memories of Debbie,she lives on in all of us and always will.My best always....Dianne
Our best wishes for the Christmas season
to each and everyone. It is wonderful to read
all the shared memories of Debbie. I feel a
part of her is with us in Nala on this Christmas.
Wishing all a healthy and peaceful New Year.
Larry and Priscilla
the 30-yr-old son of friends has a glio and is probably seeing his last Christmas - I wish you all a loving holiday with your families and friends and ask that you pray for peace and comfort for this family. Thanks everyone.
Another dream of Deb....
In my dream last night, a bunch of us college friends were supposed to be studying, but Debbie had not shown up yet and we were waiting for her. When she finally did show up, she said, 'you guys, you don't have to wait for me. You can do it on your own and I'll be there for you if you need me.' I feel like that comment is Deb's way of letting me know that life needs to go on and that she'll always be here with us.
Since Deb has passed away, some of us FSC girls have been getting together, and we always toast Deb when we do. We love ya, Debbie!!
You have some incredible dreams about Debbie. I wish I could remember mine.
Happy New Year Everyone
Love to everyone
As I spend this Christmas with my sister and my niece(along with the rest of my family,) Deb is strong in my heart....you come to realize just what is really important in life....FAMILY.....I just wish everyone could have that realization. My heart is with all deb's family and friends during this holiday season....Miss you Deb!
Wishing everyone the very best for the new year.
Looking forward to all the news this blog will bring
in 2009.
Our best to all,
Larry and Priscilla
I just watched a commercial for some video that promotes crunchless exercises for your abs.....just wondering what Deb would think of that. :)
I just wrote this on Donna's facebook wall and decided to share with everyone.
I finally went to Anthropolgy yesterday to return the tops I bought for Deb. Walking in that store, it was all her. I could see her buy the dishes, and dish towels. I looked at the pants and thought the only pants that Deb could buy that were the right length for her height. The pretty flowy tops she enjoyed wearing in the last few years of her life.
I took the money I was credited and sent a donation to the Briard Haven, Radar went to. She loved him, and I am very thankfull he was well taken care of and adopted out.
Thanks for sharing, Ant. (One of these days I'll be able to read a comment and not start crying.) Debbie is smiling and would be very happy about the donation to the Briard Rescue. Thanks for that.
Thank you Ant Deb would love your thoughtfulness & generousity.I too like Amy will someday not cry but not now....Dianne
Enough snow already!
No snow here :) but it is cold....it's in the 30's & 40's...brrrrrrrr (I know, I'll shut up!)
Hello all,
It's Debbie's brother, Jimmy. I hope that you are well and having a positive 2009, thus far. I wanted to make you aware of a fundraiser in which our step-sister Lisa is participating. She is doing a spinning event in honor of her brother Danny and Debbie. You might recall that Dan is our step brother, who passed away just the week before Debbie, of the same form of cancer. The proceeds go toward the American Cancer Society. Here's the link, if you're interested:
Please let me know if this link doesn't work, as it didn't appear to paste very well. If all else fails, simply copy / paste it into your browser address bar.
Jim Reardon
I'm dreaming about Deb again.....this time we were vacationing in the Bahamas and having a grand 'ole time. It was filled with laughing, basking in the sun, nights out for a few drinks. Sadly it ended with me crying and shaking hysterically when she passed away at the end of our trip. I guess it's kind of a summary of our time here together. I miss her!!
time to update yes??
Feeling kinda low on my way to work the other day ... I'd just been passed by a Black Honda Pilot .... Then a car... The light ahead changed to red ... When I get up to the car, It's license plate holder had : BRIARD in the center at the top .... then below in smaller letters - A HEART ENCASED BY FUR. I had to smile after that.
Debbie's spirit is ALIVE and shining. She "came through" this afternoon during a 15 minute session I had with a medium who communicates with those who have passed on. I have been heavy hearted in recent months in the wake of having someone whom she had referred to me (in a match making capacity)drop out of my life unexpectedly and in an extremely unpleasant and unfair manner. I have been heavy hearted for 4 months and now finally getting around to doing more inner work to clean out this old junky emotional residue. Today Debbie was right there holding my shoulders, steering me in a better direction, and "dusting off my heart," as the medium described it. I asked some specific questions about the situation I had been in with her referral, and Debbie answered them swiftly and thoroughly in such a way that I am confident it was Debbie "talking." She gave me some clues about the man I should be finding soon but have not yet met.
The medium commented that the person coming through was slender, tall, and had amazingly beautiful hands and that it was sort of like everything she touched turned to gold when she was alive. Debbie says she is at peace now. The medium described her as very young at heart and someone who everyone loved to be around. There was mention of a baby doll or collector's doll of some sort that she used to have in her room. Sounded like a treasured item. The name Emily and/or Emma also came through. Can anyone clarify these point? The medium also commmented that she could see Debbie running and leaping through fields of yellow flowers. I believe our friend Debbie has reached HEAVEN.
Peace to you all of you as you continue to heal.
Sending beacons,
Thank you Bea, for telling us about your meeting with the medium. It made me feel better today, knowing Deb is still Deb.
Happy to share......
I trust she is standing beside us all the time.
OOOPPPSSSS ... it was a Honda Element ... not Pilot ....
Thanks, Bea. It really helps to hear stories like these. Funny that Debbie is still looking out for your match from heaven. Debbie must be so happy to be able to see everything before even we know it is happening. Debbie was always the best at keeping secrets and it's great to know that she is now in heaven knowing all of our secrets and just giving us enough of a glimpse so that we can hold on to hope and move forward.
As for the doll, Debbie always hated dolls when we were young. Lucky me (who loved dolls), Debbie would always trade away any doll she got for her birthday and Christmas, often for pencils or stickers. I know, I was a terrible sister, but we were both happy with the bargains we made! There was one doll, a sailor doll, however, that was probably 70+ years old. The doll belonged to our Gram and Debbie always loved that doll. When Gram died a couple months after Debbie was diagnosed, the doll went to live with Debbie in California. It seemed the perfect new home. I think my mom is now the proud owner of the doll.
As for the yellow flowers, how appropriate that she was running through yellow flowers. In the last couple of years before Debbie passed, yellow became her signature color. But only that certain shade of color which was neither light nor dark nor deep or pale, but just that perfect Debbie yellow. I'm guessing that the flowers were that perfect yellow.
In memory of Debbie this Easter, I got my daughter, Meredith, the "perfect yellow" Easter dress from Target. Last year, Debbie gave Meredith a gift card to Target for Christmas and Meredith did not buy a toy, but instead, bought herself an Easter dress and a pair of Easter shoes. I thought Debbie would approve of continuing with the Easter dress tradition and I was thrilled to find the "perfect yellow" dress. Deb played a role in helping me find that perfect dress, I'm sure.
The Emma/Emily thing is a bit of a mystery to me. We had an Aunt Emma, but we weren't really close to her. I'm not familiar with any other Emily/Emma's in Debbie's life. Anyone else?
hmmm very interesting...I am trying to figure out the doll thing too....kinda sounds like me, I have had my favorite doll that I received at 1 year old for christmas....she is now 36, my grandmother's name is emma....but I am definitely reaching there.....I don't remember any dolls that deb had either....but I didn't know her when she was that young?
So glad to hear that deb is still trying to play matchmaker...if it wasn't for deb,I probably would have never met my husband....she urged me to try match.com quite a while ago....I did, and after going out with many "frogs" I met my "prince".....thanks DEB! Love and miss you much!
Went to the psychic dinner the other night & Deb came.The psychic grabbed the necklace I was wearing & said my daughter wanted to know where the other necklace was and that she knew I was wearing her jewelry.She also asked again if deb had ADHD as she was talking quite fast but then would look away and say what 's that then back to talking fast.She also mentioned that I had a lock or piece of her hair.The psychic asked if I did I told her yes I had the hair they shaved from her first surgery.Also that she was in the car with me and would send a significant song on the radio to know that she was with me...Very interesting,I miss her sooo much .I forgot for a minute that she wasn't here anymore & was going to call her to tell her about what the psychic said,stupid me.The doll is indeed with me here but not sure aboutnthe name Emma/Emily...Best to everyone...Dianne Deb's Mom
Oh, I'm so glad that Deb is coming through to those who have had the chance to visit with mediums. It makes me happy to know that she is still around us all. I've had a feather stuck to my glass porch door for a few days and didn't think anything about it until visiting the blog. Now I'm thinking it's definetly a sign from Deb!
Very validating.......
Thank you all for sharing.
Deb is a very bright shining star.
It's good to see some new updates.
When Larry and I did our grocery shopping this past Saturday we got out of the car and heard a dog barking two vehicles down from us we turned to look as we walked by and there was a Briard that looked just like Radar. We both thought of Debbie and felt she was saying hi through the Briard. It made me think of how happy Debbie was when she brought Radar home as a puppy and how devoted he was to her. Boy we sure do miss Deb. Nala is doing well and has settled in very well and a reminder everyday of her human mom.
Hi everybody
I haven't written for quite some time but I do read the blog often. It's so good to hear Deb has come thru for you. I haven't had any dreams about Deb but as I've said before I don't remember my dreams. I have good news about my family, my oldest daughter got engaged on Valentines day! We are very excited, she has been with her boyfriend/fiance for 9 years. Deb would be very happy for her for when Deb and I worked out together I would fill her in on the relationship so she always felt like she knew my daughter and ask if and when they would marry. Much work ahead as she is planning a Dec. wedding. I might be posting alot more in the future asking for any advice on wedding planning as it is my first. Any takers?
Here's looking forward to a happy and warm spring to everyone!
Congrats Mary,yes I'm sure debbie would be very happy.My father was a florist if you need help with flowers etc.I miss Deb a lot but she is in no more pain ,no more doctor visits,nausea,fatigue...Love you Deb....Mom
Congratulations, Mary. Very exciting about the wedding. We'll all be here to offer you advice if you need it. Debbie was always the best wedding planner and she would want us to help you now. Whatever you do, have fun while you're doing it!
Hi Everyone, Nala is at the vets can't move her front legs.Got call last night from Larry & Priscilla.They are going to hope for the best with Prednisone & rest.But if not, doesn't look good for her.She could go to a neurosurgeon but unfortunately Larry & Priscilla don't the means to pay for such an expense.Let's pray for the best.She may be with Deb soon....Sorry Deb they gave her a great home & did their best.
if Nala is treatable and money is the only issue, I suspect that many of Deb's friends would be happy to donate for her treatment - everyone - what do you say?
Count me in to help with expenses for Nala.
Count me in too. Nala has a special place in my heart for many reasons. The obvious is she was deb's dog,2nd I always walked her when Debbie and I walked together and 3rd my dog's name was Nala and she passed away a year ago this month. It is so hard when something like this happens but you don't want them to suffer. My Nala was diagnosed with cancer in Feb 08 and we put her down about 5 weeks later. We had a wonderful vet if you need 2nd opinions,etc.Let me know if I can help. Everyone's in my prayers.
Love to everyone
In the absence of an update about Nala, one can only assume the worst - is there still time for us to donate for her medical care? Can someone please let us know how she is doing?
The update for Nala is that she has calcified disk... operating is not some thing we (Pris & I) were willing to put Nala through. The vet told of a Shepard she helped with that had one operation to remove one disk to have another removed three months later that never gained any quality of life. This poor dog suffered two opperations with four months of painful physical theropys. Once the dog ate her toes the owners put the dog down. Evidently small dogs recover better where large breeds have lower odds of recovery.
So we are doing steroids, pain medications, physical theropy and resting. She is unable to walk. The vets think that with some time and the steroids there is a chance she will gain mobility. She is such a sweet girl that we are going to give her time and pray for a miracle. Thank you all for your support and offers of donations.
Sorry to not post earlier. Things have been stressful and it happened quickly. Sad that it happened while she was playing ball, one of her favorite activtites, unfortunately even with recovery she will not get to play again. All most any activity could trigger a relapse so she will have to be kept quiet.
We will post again as we can.
I'm so sorry to hear the prognosis on Nala. Keep your faith and know that she is always in our prayers. It can't be easy knowing what an active dog she was. Remember whatever the outcome Deb will be waiting for her with open arms and a tennis ball and frisbee!
Take Care
So sorry to hear about Nala,although sad, I can say that I think Deb will be excited to "have her back." Everyone thanks you for doing all you can for her while you have had her, and giving her a good, loving home as Deb would have. Please keep us updated on her status and thank you for giving her a good home!
Nala Up Date:
After a little over a week of steroids and pain medications Nala is trying to walk more and seems to have better mobility of her front legs. (The rear legs have been pretty much working since we left the vets care Wednesday [the 18th].) I've been carrying her in and out of the house for her to do her 'business'. Once out side we I slip a long towel under her chest to support her front legs and I walk along at her pace and pretty much carry her front end. Today when we got home and I did this she was almost always able to get her front legs to move as they should and her pace was quicker than it had been, good sign we think. We also only had to do one lap of our back yard to get her 'business' done. Once those were completed she quickened her pace like she was going to run toward the back door. We are not sure that we should allow that yet ... The doc gave us strict orders for Bed Rest and quite. LOL but she sure can be stubborn when she want's something and she was actually pulling me toward the door and I lost some of her front end weight that I normally carry. Again another good sign because even though she had most of her weight and the legs seemed to be able to hold her up and she didn't fall down. We hope that this just wasn't a good day and that the progress keeps going toward her being Nala again.
Larry it's good to hear some positive comments about Nala! Believe in the power of prayer cause I've been praying for her. Keep up the great care you and your wife are giving her.
Take Care
We took Nala to the vet yesterday (Tuesday 31 March) evening. It was a follow up to her extended stay there. The doc was so happy to see her walk in on her own power and all of her tests were positive. Her reflexes which were almost non existent on her left side about two weeks ago are normal now. Nala walks like she's drunk. The doc isn't sure that she will not always have that now. The nerves may have permanent damage to them that may never heal. The doc says time will tell. The good news is that she is now off of total bed rest, we can walk her for short walks, and she can use a few stairs. The doc doesn't want us throwing ball or frisbie for her and to try to keep her from running much. She did the stairs out our back door last night just fine but this morning she didn't want to go down them ... but coming in she went up them just fine.
That's probably going to be Nala life now. I'm sure every one knows how much Nala loved to play ball...she may never get to give chase again. We are certainly very happy to have her walking again. She seems to be very happy with us and keeping her in the pend area that I made. As when she came in she walked right in to it and waited there for her breakfast.
Nala still has 7 more doses of Prednisone. Once those are done we will know if the improvements are permanent or if there is regression.
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers for Nala. The contributions to her vet bill have been very much appreciated. She has enjoyed all the visits she's received.
We will keep you updated.
Good news, Larry! Nala is very lucky to have you and your wife taking such good care of her, and that is probaby the very reason that she ended up with you.
I second what Donna just said!
A Nala Up Date .... After our visit to the vet and us increasing her activity level she is doing very good. She's wanting to run now but we have her on a leash still so she isn't running far ... only to the end of it. Sometimes that makes your arm a little longer! Nala and I walked through the park yesterday and this morning she's still wanting to run. It's hard to believe that three weeks ago she basically couldn't walk. Now she's walking and wanting to go farther. She was tired once we got home yesterday. That only lasted about as long as her nap took.
Today I'm thinking of making that same walk. I've only been walking her every other day for her to allow her to build up her strength. Since she has recovered so well ... lets see if two days in a row of a slow walk do her in or ... like I think she'll be tired for about an hour then be ready to go again..
Even with her doing so good I don't want to do the 3 miles we use to do together but the half mile through the park twice in two days should give me a better idea of how strong she's getting. Maybe soon she'll be ready for a little longer ... then in a few months maybe those three miles will be something to try. Time will tell.
Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes.
such wonderful news of Nala - you are taking very good care of her. She is a fighter just like her 'Mom' - Debbie would be so proud. Thanks to both of you for being such caring foster parents. It is such a gift to be able to support you in your efforts in terms of helping with the vet costs - thanks for being so gracious in accepting our tokens of affection and appreciation.
Anyone out there anymore?How is Nala doing?Have we all forgot about Deb?Maybe this site should be closed like a great book?
Nala is doing quite well. She thinks she can run but ... I let her off her lead in the back yard Wednesday (13 May 2009) and she tried to do her run from then back to me in play ... Her back legs fell out from under her. She looked up at me laying on the ground and I'd swear she had a pouty face on. She slowly got back up on all fours ... I thought she may have hurt herself, but she was fine. Silly Me! ... I thought she'd like the chance to go bathroom with out the lead on, that was why I took it off ... I quickly put it back on so she would not injure herself trying that again. Then we walked down the street for that Potty Business. The poor girl may never run again those back hips just don't want to support her some times.
I agree with the Great Book ... I check here daily but it seems no new posts come.
I miss Deb so much. I look next door at her old house and to have Nala here just adds to the equation. I'm thinking Deb is crying just to see how little is being done to her nice flower beds. I know she'd have been out weeding them several times by now.
I hope all are doing Very Well.
Hi everybody,
I check this site often also and I'm just as guilty on not posting. I vote to keep it open though and will try to write more, anyone else vote yes? I feel it is a connection to Debbie and even though I haven't met most of you a connection to you. As I told you a few months ago my daughter got engaged and is getting married Dec 12,2009. All this wedding planning keeps you busy,makes you feel a little crazy and any time my husband wants to spend any money he's reminded of the wedding and told wait till next year. Poor guy!Larry I'm so glad Nala is doing well.Debbie is dancing in heaven because you and your wife are taking such good care of her. I miss her terribly too, I drive by her old house in New London and I agree it doesn't have the Deb look,she took pride in her home and her gardens. I hope everyone of you is happy and healthy and keeping your chin up giving the state of the world. Even if it's just to say hi lets keep this open!
Love to everyone,
It's heartbreaking to see this blog as it is especially with the Christmas decor.If we are not going to keep this going I wish it would just go away.It is too unbearable to watch ....Deb's Mom
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