Wishing Everyone a Happy Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!
I first met Deb when I was 15 years old in a study hall at good old ORR High School. I had never seen someone who could bring a different Liz Claiborne purse to school each day, and from that moment on she was my hero.
Over the course of the next 20 years Deb and I spent many a New Years Eve’s together and I feel confidant in saying it wasn’t her favorite holiday!! It was always lots of planning, traveling, cold weather, too much food, too much drink and no exercising, shopping or crafts involved – the anti-Debbie holiday. But that said, I have great memories of ringing in the New Year with Deb. Even if I wasn’t with her, she would inevitably get a call from me at the stroke of midnight – not always the most lucid conversations on my part as unlike Deb I like the too much food and too much drinking part. But they were always calls of love and joy. I’ll miss that call this year but I plan on screaming a “Happy New Year” to the moon for Deb.
We hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday season and feel free to post your Deb holiday memories. We’d all love to hear them.
Amy – the Blog Maven