Deb's Update: January 15th, 2008
Hi all,
Just wanted to give you a quick update: I'm obviously on the Avastin/CPT-11 combination chemo and so far so good (Day 1 was 01/11/08). Of course I feel like I need lots of stuff to suck on like a Lifesaver or some other candy that eases my throat. That seems to be the main thing that's affecting me from the chemo thus far.
Yesterday I started on the Radiation Therapy (RT) and will be treated for 25 days (Mondays through Fridays only). It only lasts about 7 to 10 minutes so I am hoping that it doesn't bring me too much fatigue as time goes on. No warning that I should not drive while doing the multi treatment stuff so hey, I won't ask the RT doc if he won't say anything to me! Doing lots of fiber and veggie cooking although it isn't always making me 100% happy... it's all about increasing my autoimmune crap to get this damn tumor out of my head... fingers crossed that all the organic products will help me along with getting this tumor killed!
That's it for now... just wanted to give you a quick update... you will see some pictures soon that I sent Amy and Brian!
Deb you look beautiful and amazing as usual I pray all goes well!
Keep up your great spirit your an amazing women!
Deb, you look fantastic! Glad to see you surrounded by family and enjoying yourselves. The sunset behind you is beautiful too. Where were you? No sunsets like that here. Just snow and sleet these days. But, it's great to be able to head outside with the girls for sledding and making snowmen....or whatever those odd-shaped blobs on our front lawn are! :)
Keep strong! You've done a wonderful job with everything so far and I'm certain you'll continue to do so. Miss you!
Love ya lots!
So glad to hear from you! Ditto - you look great. Take care. Maureen
Hi Deb,
You look great! Nice pictures of you with your family.It looks like you are all having a good time.
Good to hear you are doing ok with the treatments so far and hopefully that will continue.
Take care. You are in our prayers daily.
Love to all, Larry and Priscilla
Hi Deb,
I'll copy from everyone else, you look great. I'm glad to hear you're having good days. Keep the faith and use some of that oil I sent you!
Luv ya,
Hey Mary.... I gotta use that oil, can't you tell that's why may hair looks so flat!?!? Kidding... I just have to figure out where the heck to put that stuff.
I'm blaming the thinner hair on the loverly treatment, but hey, I'll take it!
Time to run to Radiation at the crack of dawn :-)
You were right....Love the chubby cheeks!!!! You look great! The pic of you and Jimmy is so nice, looks like you guys are on a train traveling on a cliff overlooking the ocean....beautiful view!!!! It's amazing to see people that you haven't seen in so long, Jimmy grew up, didn't he!!! LOL...it's fun to remember the younger years sometimes! Hope the treatment goes well, stay strong and positive!!! love ya lots!.....any news on that possible trip home? It would be kinda fun for a bunch of us to get together....get to meet the other Deb bloggers!!! especially Mollie! :)....would be nice to put a face with the words!
Love ya,
Hey fellow beacon Deb,
You are beaming in those photos. They are great. I echo the sentiment of the comments above.
Keep on trucking. It's worth it, and you are worth it!!
Hey, how is the Feng Shui Lady? Has she been back to your house to re-assess and re-arrange anything?
Beacons from the East,
I know lots of you would be shocked to see a recent photo of Jimmy! He has grown up which I consider shocking :-)
Not sure when I'm headed back East for a visit... got lots of stuff to think about in terms of how my treatment goes, whether surgery is required, how the chemo will be, etc... It sure would be good to have you back East when I'm there Nikki! (It's been YEARS since we've seen each other!)
The Feng Shui lady actually called me a few weeks ago and came by the house to 'rejuvenate' it... moved lots of small things around certain counters and sink areas. She basically said that the house feels great but that I have to continue to move lots of energy around my house on a weekly basis. She told me to keep up the fight since she can sense that I'll do well!
That's it for now... I actually can't wait to go eat lunch: Once I'm off my 'moon face' Decadron, hopefully my appetite will slow down a bit :-)
Love you guys!
Man - you and Jimmy look like frikken twins. Wowzers. I LOVE the cheeks, Deb. They look pinchable.
Hey - if you're cooking veggies I'm on my way. The produce here is abysmal and I've been craving summer tomatoes, spinach and things like that. I imagine you have a better selection out there in movie star land. Maybe you could have Oprah's chef over some time - network sistah!
Love ya man!
Great pictures of you, Jimmy and your father.
Love lots
Gorgeous Goddess Debbie...
Greetings from Washington DC! You look AMAZING and so BEAUTIFUL, RADIANT, and GLOWING!! Jake and I send our love and healing energy, support...whatever energy you need from us...Vic and Gateau send their loving thoughts too!
Keeping you ALWAYS in our thoughts...sending lots of LOVE LOVE LOVE your way!
Super Marge, Super Jake, Incredible Vic, and Sophisticated Gateau
Hey Deb how about update?Anxiously awaiting further info how you are feeling,how chemo is going etc.Are you still working,is your dad still there? Come on girlfriend we need some news we are worried you haven't posted know you are busy fighting this tumor but help us here!
I have been wanting to do an update but as you know, I'm a busy girl: RT, chemo, working full time and have my dad by my side until the end of Feb... Busy, Busy, Busy. I will attempt an update at lunch today or tonight.
In a nutshell, I'm still going strong, feeling good and have gained weight, (not even by eating fudge), and am planning for a little Super Bowl party this Sunday: GO PATRIOTS!
Good news. I am sure that your Dad is spoiling you.... just don't be a "baby" too much.
Gained weight....that's hot :)
All the best.
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